Lovely in Latex |
Lovely in Latex is the fourth grouping in my MySpace get aquainted project. The concept is the introduce my friends to my freinds who may not otherwise ever cross paths.
This group of dear friends and... Posted by on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 11:51:00 GMT |
This Charming Man: Round 3 |
Several of you have asked for it and here it is. This is the third grouping of my friends that I would like to introduce to my friends in my MySpace get aquainted project and it's titled: This Charmin... Posted by on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 23:34:00 GMT |
My dance hall friends |
These friends, my dancer friends, have been part of my MySpace get aquainted project wherein I'm introducing my friends to my other friends and working to bring seperate circles of friends together. S... Posted by on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 23:51:00 GMT |
My MySpace "get aquainted" project |
As one who has lived in a few different cities and an Angeleno of about 7 years, I have a lot of freinds with broad and varried interests. Either near or far, walking the same streets or driving on th... Posted by on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 01:16:00 GMT |