Label: Multivitamin
Release: MVD n°13
Artist: Cella
Track: Lucky 7
ITA:Il debutto di Peak'n clip (Gabriele Cella) avviene il 4 Marzo 2006, quando, in onore di una festa organizzata dal gruppo milanese Opposticoncordi,apre la scena a Phon-O e Meteo Dj, artisti prodotti della famosa etichetta berlinese Shitkatapult Records.La musica di CELLA nasce dall'idea di avvicinare estemporanee sperimentazioni sonore a strutture compositive tipicamente "dance".Parallelamente, avvia e sviluppa diversi progetti di Live Media Art e sound design.Nel 2007 presenta in Italia e all'estero "Zapping Musik", progetto che consiste nella manipolazione real-time del segnale audio proveniente da televisori sottoposti al frenetico "zapping" degli spettatori... Lo stesso anno collabora con l'etichetta berlinese Digital Kranky pubblicando il brano "Ronald Mc Enfry" nella release: Kraeka compilation Issue 7.Nel 2008 compone colonne sonore per la RAI, importante emittente televisiva italiana.Collabora con differenti netlabel (italiane ed estere) e VJ organizzando eventi sotto il nome di "12VoltParty".
Peak'n clip's (Gabriele Cella) debut takes place on 4 March 2006 , when , in honour of a party organized by Opposticoncordi , a group from Milan, he opens the scene to Phon-O and Meteo Dj , artists being produced by the famous Berliner label Shitkatapult Records.Cella's music borns from the idea to merge spontaneous-experimentatal sonority with tipically "dance" composition's structures.Peak'n clip's (Gabriele Cella) debut takes place on 4 March 2006 , when , in honour of a party organized by Opposticoncordi , a group from Milan, he opens the scene to Phon-O and Meteo Dj , artists being produced by the famous Berliner label Shitkatapult Records.Cella's music borns from the idea to merge spontaneous-experimentatal sonority with tipically "dance" composition's structures.At the same time , he starts and develops several projects of Live Media Art and sound design research.In 2007 he presents both in Italy and abroad his project "Zapping Music" , it consists in real-time manipulation of audio signals coming from televisions subjected to the frenzied "zapping" of the viewers... In the same year he cooperates withe the Berlines label Digital Kranky , eventually publishing the piece "Ronald Mc Enfry" contained in the release : Kraeka compilation Issue 7.In 2008 he is asked to compose soudtracks for the RAI , important italian broadcasting television company. He cooperates with many different netlabels (both italians and foreigners) and with VJ, organizing events under the name "12VoltParty".