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nature myspace layouts My mind is full of many things right now. The one thing that stands out to me is that our life is like a Novel in the making. Full of intrigue, mystery, love, hate, romance,loss and victories. We so often move into the next chapter of our lives before finishing and closing the one we have been in. What good is a book if each chapter is not complete? It become jumbled and confusing....much the way our own lives are if we move on to fast or to slow. All the details have to come together and so often they simply just don't. It shows in our behavior. One can be in a rough spot and it can change things up some, but our character will will be seen. I my self was in the best chapter I had ever been in, in my life and tragedy struck......thickening the plot. It knocked me back out of my character. Changed the whole plot of my chapter. So now my story has to take a different twist. I will complete it. It may be hard but I will deal with it and I will move on.So many are hurting, are insecure and unsure. They live by what they have known. The hurts, the pain and suffering and live their lives based on that alone. It saddens me. I have always been one to reach out, to help where and when I could and those that I could. I still try to do so. Sometimes you just have to remain in the shadows and sometimes you end up being judged by someone else's past and what they have experienced.....not realizing they are even doing it. You forgive and you move on. I have been hurt so many times. Sometimes it feels as though I have lost more than I have ever gained, but in the end I realize I have gained far more than I ever lost. I gained my respect for me back. I don't have to demand to be respected. I gained wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I may mess up sometimes and get into myself to much but I can, will and do snap back out of it. I am so far from perfect. I am severely HUMAN. Capable of many and often making big mistakes.I guess it is my turn now to start a new chapter. Having found so much closure in the last. I confronted many issues and have been able to move on and feel the freedom in that.
Now I have some new issues. Nothing as before. Grief of a second child. I may walk it out alone and a little unsure of how to do it...........but I will get there. I have had support from friends and family but the truth is....No one else knows what to do with it either. I have lot's of prayer and couldn't make it with out that. Can't know one do it for me. I have to do it. The grace of God carries me when no one else can. I may seem to be walking it alone and feel that way sometimes......but when everything else fails......God is the reason I can complete each Chapter. I hope you call can step back to some point in your lives and finish yours. Forgive, never be afraid to reach out and love. You never know when someone else may not be reaching back. Learn to really let things go and more importantly.....remember that God brings people into your life for a reason. May only be a season but there is always a reason......Sometimes ya just need to erase and start over.....Happy Writing!