Dickie Weed (real name Peter Puffer), was born in Oklahoma to poor Gypsy parents, who abandoned him at age three to be raised by Indians and wolves and shit. At age seventeen he astounded the known world by walking on his hands from Oklahoma to Los Angeles. Unfortunately, no one saw him do it. After recieving a severe blow to the head from an angry sperm donor, he made his way to Nashville Tennessee, where,as he puts it,"each day has a comforting sameness." It was there that he took the name of Dickie Weed to help call the world's attention to the plight of the bumblebee. Dickie's miraculous new CD, "PASSION GAS" is the result of years in the studio, drinking bad coffee and smoking constantly. Flying in the face of convention and ignoring his court appointed psychiatrist, he was determined to create his masterpiece, working feverishly between narcoleptic episodes. He took the brave and radical step of firing his longtime band, the Mass Debators, so that he could play all the instruments himself. His famous producer, Sir Neil Nettles, says "This was a once in a lifetime experience that I'm not likely to repeat. One can only be exposed to so much genius before one begins to entertain suicidal fantasies. The inevitable enormous creative tension that arises between two artistic giants caused some exciting and at times testy moments. Also, his habit of wearing stilts at all times became somewhat trying. All's well that ends well, however, although the studio owner was somewhat miffed about the bullet holes. Stout chap, that."GET DICKIE WEED AT CDBABY.COM/DICKIEWEED OR DOWNLOAD AT ITUNES.COM/DICKIEWEED ALSO VISIT DICKIE AT
My Interests
Member Since: 07/10/2006
Band Website: cdbaby.com/dickieweed
Band Members: DICKIE WEED,
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Rowdy Boy Records
Type of Label: Indie