Member Since: 07/10/2006
Band Members: Thomas Boudineau
Influences: These songs are quite old and I feel sorry for that, because I'm unable to record what I am doing at the moment, for some stupid reasons I could talk for hours about it but don't listen to me gnagnagna blablabla....
whale singing - spirit of the forests and woods - long shadows and fog silently moving above - impossible shapes - the quiet sound of snow slowly falling on snow - waterfall - rainfall - fall -
I'm working on a lecture of The Book of Yaak, by incredible novelist Rick Bass, with my instruments and maybe friends playing cello and viola.
the final work would sound as a soundtrack for the book. I'm writing parts at the moments, and still choosing some pieces of the novel/essay of that magnificient and simple cry for nature, peace, and freedom.
Rick Bass :
le basilic - le gaspacho - la tapenade - la mozzarella - Little Odessa - The Yards - Don Dellilo - Rick Bass - Jim Harrison - dès que je sens de la menthe je veux du mojito - dès que je sens du café je veux un café - les douches froides (avec ou sans...) en pleine après-midi quand la ville est un hammam à ciel ouvert - The Party - Robert Altman - Elliot Gould - Donald Sutherland - Jack Bauer - Six Feet Under - Paul Auster - Elliot Perlman (pour ce fabuleux livre "Ambiguités") - T. H. Lawrence, bien que je n'ai rien lu de lui - Henri David Thoreau - Malcolm Lowrie - Leonard Cohen, Lou Reed - Charles Trenet - les Dunhill rouges, pas les International - Jack Kerouac - Tom Waits - Wim Wenders - Jusqu'au Bout du Monde - Paris, Texas - ma mère - Dashiell Hammet - Raymond Carver - Raymond Chandleur - Richard Ford -
Sounds Like:
Record Label: as guest on a few WE ARE UNIQUE RECORDS releases