About Me
Advancing the connectivity of Mind, Body, Spirit...Earth, Air, Water, Fire! It's about balance. Opposites Crossed and Rejoined! It's about LIFE and LIVING. Breathe Fire, Breathe Ice, Feel Passion. Turning inward and assimilate. It is not all action and masculine energy, but intuition, compassion and nurturing. I can be Dragon, I can be Dove, I can be Both. Fly so high your lungs hurt, then dive, dive, dive and swim so deep you can't see. My life is all about highs and lows and recognizing and reconciling those extremes. I can be the most boring and the most exciting. Desperately need social interaction and a safe private hideaway. The middle ground is my core. I live for learning new things, experiencing new joys, appreciating the beauty in the simple little things. I love to give. I selfishly live for the joy I can give to others. It is all about me. I wholeheartedly EXPECT people to live what they profess. I sorrow for those too blind to see they don't. I take too much responsibility for the world and how I impact it, and can shrug it off ever so easily. I create my own heaven and my own hell. And I love both. If you meet my light, I will also introduce you to my shadow, they have equal standing and equal say. I am Wise Child, Lone Mystic, Warrior Queen, Shy Maiden, Earth Mother and Old Bitchy Hag. I can pound my own steel in a forge to make a sword and bake a tasty organic cheesecake. I lose time in the forest...it doesn't exist there. I claim no religion, no dogma, no edicts nor do I allow any of them to claim me. I am myself, and apparently, that is enough.
Your Thinking is Concrete and Random
You are naturally inquisitive and curious.
You're excited by new ideas, and you are a true independent thinker.
You are interested in what is possible. You like the process of discovery.
You are often experimenting, challenging old ideas, and inventing new concepts.
Rules, restrictions, and limit don't really work for you.
You have to do things your own way, and you can't be bothered to explain yourself.
What Kind of Thinker Are You?