Individual tracks from The Lesson Plan now available for purchase for 0.99 cents each.
The name Gatsby is based on the character Jay Gatsby from the novel The Great Gatsby, by Scott F Fitzgerald. Jay Gatsby was a self-made man that went from rags to riches. Despite his humble beginnings, he was able to skillfully deal with the affluent, positioning himself for success. But what truly defined Gatsby was his ability to transform dreams into reality. The same attributes that made Gatsby great in the novel can also be found in Chris. Even though he came from a middle class up-bringing, it doesn't mean that he hasn't "seen struggle." Chris was surrounded by poverty and crime at an early age and lacked positive male role models. Not letting himself succumb to temptations of the street life, he chose to apply his grind towards school and business. Now, possessing a college degree but still retaining his street smarts, Chris is ready to make his mark in the industry. Like the "Great Gatsby" trying to preserve his dying 1920's era, Chris' most pressing challenge is attempting to preserve true Hip-Hop music in an era dominated by profit hungry industry giants and fake "emcees."
The intriguing aspect of Chris Gatsby's music is the difficulty in classification: is he underground or mainstream? Staying away from the glorified "gangsta" persona popular in today's hip hop music, Chris instead weaves together narratives based on his real everyday experiences: reflecting on the insanity of the "nine to five grind," internal conflict between morals and money, and of course trying to enjoy the most out of what life has to offer. The result is something that is all too familiar, yet very relatable to people coming from all walks of life: Reality. Chris simply shrugs, "I ain't a thug, gangster, or drug dealer. I am who I am."