This is, The Bourjuis. The Bourjuis is taken from Bourgeois that combined with Borjuis (in malay) which mean " the middle people ". Pronounced "bour-joo-is". They have been reared on pop and rock & roll culture among the years of 1960 and present day. They are essentially four piece band based in Jitra Kedah, Malaysia and really love money and foods.
e-mail -- [email protected]
-- [email protected]
Other joice :
Latest Release : Lo-Fi Youth Culture Scene EP
Get this EP at The Bourjuis live shows for only MYR15.00 also available at local standard CD outlets as Rock Corner , Dolls Store , Ricecooker, etc -- please request the CD under Warner Music if CD is not on sale at your place or view Subhuman Production at the top friend to purchase this EP via mail
The Bourjuis support
If you missed the episodes, catch at
Warm Liking Song