A work in progress, progressive, a lover, a wisher, a dreamer, a soul of love and hope, with a touch of hopelessness. Im a socialite, a servant. Health challenged. Satellite watching the storms. Numb. Ambient. Philosophical human rights choir boy. Corporation skeptic. Star gazing coffee drinker. Beer drinking TV watcher. Wine drinking food and service critic. Big idea dreamer. I exist, I am temporary. I am loved by many. I have sex with men. I giggle at myself, alot. I still have faith in our ability to be great. I know your faults more than mine. I google myself daily. I Leave No trace. I don't do drugs. I believe in the left and fear the right. Honey infused Green tea. Mohawk admirer. Carnivore. I love to sleep. I walk in the park. It feels good to cry. I like to build big things, very big things. I crave photographers. Old souls fill me. I wear makeup sometimes. I hope I have never hurt someone. I tear it up on the dance floor. I sing alone. I give good phone. I am into leather. I have spent hours thinking about what I would do if I won the lottery, I don't play enough. Mint Mojito please. I sign autographs. Im obsessed with office products. I am organized, obsessed. I wear double pairs of socks everyday. I have gone a week in the desert without showering. I have yelled at the sun to rise. I am always cold. Bathrooms turn me on. In N Out is special. I read three newspapers everyday. The smell of Febreze makes me smile. Chest hair is beautiful. I am a dancing queen. I have worked at a Kmart. I have naked pics of myself on my computer. I am my own accountant. I have never smoked. I can pee while standing up, walking, and riding a bike. I have the keys to a bank. I feel love. This is about me.