Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.
(( Planet of the apes ))
From my blog, yes I wrote it please don't steal it.Monday, May 14, 2007
I miss those times where we both don't want to hang up and I send a sea of messages only to click to find a wave of your own headed my way. I miss the calm you bring to me, to this restless soul of mine and to find the time to wine and dine without having ever met for dinner. I long for that place in to the sun but from within, inside myself basking in that glow of eternity. I stand in that lighthouse still where the air creeps in and I keep the brightest lantern burning. The only warmth in this old stone tower is the light itself, its heat, like hope warms my bones. I do so desire you to desire me and shamelessly ask if we will have out time. Selfishly pinning me down to whisper nothing so that I may whisper sweet nothings as my voice drops 3 octave... So where have you been? where have you been? Where will I find my lover lost and long lost distance makes the heart grow fonder. Sometime in this day this age between the moments I sidestep distraction and cant help but let you nap. Now however my restless self is up all night and I miss my rail car for the expressway to love. I certainly cant afford to sleep now. Your ship at any time may break the fog to sail into this harbor that welcomes you always and forever. I the bastion outpost poised and watchful. Sorrow filled, longing fills the empty space no more as I wait, I bide my time somewhere between self destruction doubt and depression my heart sheds any and all scars and proves ever faithful and fearless. come home to me.
For want of a nail, a shoe was lost
For want of a shoe, a horse was lost
For want of a horse, a rider was lost
For want of a rider, a battle was lost
For want of a battle, a kingdom was lost
Sarcasm and cynicism, vengeance, conjecture and ego are just some of the poisons we season our daily intake with.
My EARLIEST blog is Monday, May 02, 2005 - If anyone cares
I HAD to post this.
Fast & Furious Hamsters~
trampoline girls
Add to My Profile | More VideosMy fun Robot chicken vid was deleted. so....Old Lady Fight