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Wow, I guess I should back track to HS. OK, I had my daughter Britney in Oct of 1994 and Penn Manor HS paid for me to attend and finish getting my diploma at Lancaster County Academy. So I did graduate right on time. Started college that fall at Millersville but my Dad was diagnosed with congestive heart failure so I had to quit and work 2 jobs for a while to help with everything that SS wouldn't (glad to see that's finally changing). Had my son, David, in MArch 1998. My father died in March of 2000 so I bought my families house. I decided to go back to school - which is something he would have wanted - and was accepted to PSU's Engineering program at University PArk. SO I packed up the kiddies and we lived on campus for almost 3 kickass years. My son was diagnosed with ADHD and having trouble learning in school so I put off finishing my degree to help him out. Was just getting ready to go back when I got really sick and was diagnosed with AIH - a rare congenital liver disease in January of 2006 and I have had several complications. So the last year has been spent with doctors, hospitals and lots of tests and ALOT of priority changing in my life. At first I was depressed and scared but now I am happy to know that life isn't a guarantee and to take the time to enjoy it and the things that really matter. My son and I moved to MIssouri in NOvember 2006 and everything has been going great out here. Sometimes it takes being stripped of everything you think is important to realize that in end the important things aren't tangible. I made a list of all the things I want to experience before I die - whether that be tomorrow, in 10 years or when I am 75 (hell, who am I kidding I smoke!). So I am actively working on that, making my way up the corporate ladder without even trying, and making sure that my children are assets to society in every way possible. Was engaged 3 times and married 0 times. And after all that I have realized that you really aren't given any more than you can handle and that everything really does happen for a reason. I am glad that I had my children so young because now I might be able to watch them become adults and maybe even see my grandchildren one day. Que Sera, Sera. ROck On.