I've been watching trends in the termite community. I'm a little concerned by what I see.
Other wooden parrots, mostly. I also appreciate the company of post-liberal Mennonites who have a vague sense of purpose but a passion for community. The Spirit Parrot does not have favorites, so I never edit my "top friends."
My favorite is four-part harmony, but I'm also getting used to hippies with guitars and families that sing occasionally or about once a year when the worship leader begs them long enough or at least long enough that the youngest one caves in and learns to play the violin.
I think the church needs to purchase a fat projector and sound system.
I like to watch the Parrot Channel.
I've read most of the blue hymnal, but those three-ring binders with their fancy inserts are a little beyond me.
I like pirates. My favorite pirate is P Dintaman.