kcab2basics profile picture


22 years old and things just started makin sense

About Me

find me on AIM- Silversea22 yahoo messenger- silversea MSN messenger- silversea sports layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

Movies, mostly scary and cheesy ones, Games, driving, listening to every type of music i can get my ears on...and many more

I'd like to meet:

Everyone again for the first time, I am not anymore who they see me to be but how He made me to be...


hmmm, just said that one i guess my preference to music is yes then...all of it


Sin City, braveheart, notebook...yeah i said it, that dynamite guy, benchwarmers, grudge, romero movies, resevoir dogs, slevin, so on and so on


scrubs, lost, and a bunch of others that someone has to watch or no one will


bible, left behind, and this one with the pages in it with words all over them whats that called?


never watched it but i heard it was good...I'm more of a "lost fan myself"