Cars, women, music, . . . you know, the usual.
Anyone who is reading this. Hit me up.
I mostly listen to rock, but pretty much anything with a beat will work for me. If it motivates me to drive fast, then it's just fine by me.
Lets see how many car movies I can list; Gone in Sixty Seconds, Fast and the Furious, Too Fast, Too Furious, American Graffiti, Christine, Hollywood Knights, Demolition Man (sweet Olds 442 scene), ... I'm sure there are more and I just can't remember them. Pretty much all the Lethal Weapon movies are high on my favorites too. I'm also a sucker for horror movies. 13 Ghosts, House on Haunted Hill, things like that. Something about the thrill of being scared or doing the scaring is cool to me.
Prison Break is high on the list as well as Lost. Sucks being stuck on that island, but it would be a cool adventure.
Never been a big book reader. I'll try to get into it though sometime.
This one is easy. Top hero would be my dad. He's taught me more than all my teachers combined. He also has some pretty sweet cars. Next would be Hef, and then Superman. It must be the strength and ability to see through walls that interests me. No need to explain the Hef thing if you know me.