The simple and the wise. The voyage of every sight. The creatures that love to share and the people that grow to care. The colours of my mind, every line I've ever dreamed of, the angles of your body and every word you ever speak of. The dance of the masses, the everlasting choices, the bittersweet symphonies and the time that never passes. The still, the quiet, the loud, the belligerent, but always with a sense of intelligence, hands held, maybe loose maybe tight, but no one will ever get left behind.
There is a city by the sea
A gentle company
I don’t suppose you want to
And as it tells its sorry tale
In harrowing detail
Its hollowness will haunt you
Its streets and boulevards
Orphans and oligarchs it hears
A plaintive melody
Truncated symphony
An ocean’s garbled vomit on the shore,
Los Angeles, I’m yours.