THis B3.. bUT ANY WHO if u DONT ThIS
B3 YA gURL thE oNe AnD oNly MaUrIKA sHatIa tO Da muTHa EfIN
dAViD Or BeTteR kNoWN aS s3a br33ze
cAke DaY ThE mONtH of JuNe ANd
Da daY Of Da 25TH duH
... dA DaY haTeRS FiRSt StArTEd
HaItIN .. I GeT mY NoLl3g3 At wAcK A55 stOn3
mOuNtAin iN WaCK A55 aTL
DUH .... ANY WhO i AM
A WoUNDeRFUL CaNCEr i was born in killa brooklyn as it is known as.. I LOVE TTO HAvE
fun AlOt . ANd JuSS ChiL
wIt ThE FAm and da boyfriend like duh
.. ANd
AlsO my FriENds .. well what can i say well 09' wasnt such a gr3at y3ar 4 m3 i b33n threw alot this y3ar .. but u know i learn from my mistakes..most ppl say im a lovin person i am also funny and i care about ppl . i dnt kno why some dnt care bout me . ha but u know karma is a b!+(h . ha believe it.
but dats all 4 noW iF u WAnT to KNO moRE
ABouT me HIt
Me UP .. BREEzY oUT pEACe .
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
i got A dUd3 WhOs3 SwagG Is aS sIcK As MiN3S who go3s by th3 nam3 of k-yung u b33n th3r3 for m3 sinc3 day on3 and i pray it stay that way muah girls layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments