Simon profile picture


Tall, dark, handsome & sarcastic..........

About Me

Thouroughly silly combined with incredibly deep thinking inevitably leading to potentially emotionally explosive & inconciveably random........
Don't click me

My Interests

Sleep, pizza, breathing, mulling over stuff - quite fond of all of those.

I'd like to meet:

In days gone by it was not the done thing to meet people off the internet. Nowadays it seems to be an acceptable norm. Why I have no idea because the internet is a harbouring place for all kinds or freaks and weirdo's. Play safe I say, make sure you know someone very well before you even think about meeting them. You remember that advert with the kids voice and the bloke actually talking on his pc? Well I think that was spot on apart from one thing - The bloke was probably naked at the time and typing with one hand. Now that isn't an attempt to shock you fine people but it's the realization of what I believe to be capable of many people out there. Lets play safe and never give out addresses/phone numbers etc.....Saying that if you are blonde and really cute I may reconsider.


Muse, The Killers, Green Day. Anything except RnB.


Memento, Butterfly Effect, Shawshank Redemption


Alan Partridge, Green Wing, The Day Today, Monty Python

My Blog

Who decides?

The great man in the sky. Staring down at us rolling his dice. Have you actually read the bible? Contradictions galour. Anyhow, thats not why im writing. Clearly from that opening you can assume I'm a...
Posted by Simon on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 03:26:00 PST