NEW YORK SPORTSCENE is a monthly magazine in our 12th year of publication. The magazine has been totally upgraded with an entire new layout and great content. We have added "Sportscene Sports Babes," where we encourage our readers to send us photos of hotties in a sports-related pose, seen at games, out at their favorite sports bar, or maybe even of yourself or a friend who you think fits. If she 'makes the cut,' we'll print the photo in our next issue! Great way to get some free publicity in a major market. You can have your name, website, etc. plugged and the photos will be in the print magazine, website ( and My Space page. If you show your sexy photos on this site, why wouldn't you want them in an established magazine? Also good for your modeling portfolio. E-mail photos to [email protected] , and cc them to [email protected] .
Another new section where we want reader interaction is "Game Faces." Think you're the world's biggest fanatic? Paint your face and get in your best colors and send us your photo. If you're chosen as that month's winner, we'll print your photo and you'll get a FREE 1-year subscription to our mag!
Where do sports fans congregate when they couldn't score tickets or their team is playing on the road? Sports bars, of course. NYS will show you where to go with "On the Scene: Get the Score On All the Hottest Sports Bars in Town." Each month, we profile a different spot. Not only in the Metropolitan area, but anywhere. In our November issue, we profile our first "NYS Sports Bar Road Tour," which took us to Chicago. Wrigley Field, Soldier Field, Ditka's Steak House, The Cubby Bear, Murphy's Bleachers, Casey Morans. Thw Windy City didn't dissapoint. And in our January issue, we trekked up to Connecticut.
If you know of a place that we should check out, let us know.
Send all photos and letters to: [email protected] , and cc them to [email protected] .
SUBSCRIBE TO NEW YORK SPORTSCENE - Only $25.50 for 1 full year ! 12 action-packed issues ! Go to !
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