lil rach profile picture

lil rach

Minds differ still more than faces

About Me

| View | Add FavoriteI'm an artist, musician, and massage therapist. Art is my outlet, music is my favorite pastime, and healing is my life. I am creative, intelligent, independent, strongwilled, and ambitious. I am very opinionated and love a good discussion. If you tell me NO, it just makes me more determined. I can't stand Stupid people. I have NO tolerance for people of that nature. Kittens are my weakness. I LOVE nachos. I am not "better" than anyone and no one is "better" than me, everyone is equal....until you cross that line. I like Ultimate Fighting, it amuses me. Beer is good, but wine is fabulous. I'm also a picture whore.
You are the tree-loving faerie. The Earth Faerie.
Nature is your friend, all the little animals
are cute and cuddly, even those that bite. You
are a strong friend, people have a tendancy to
go to you when they are feeling sad. You have a
motherly instinct and always want to kiss away
the tears.
What's your inner Faerie?
brought to you by Quizilla.. .. I edited my profile at Myspace Layouts

My Interests

i play the violin so music is a huge interest to me. i like to read sci-fi and watch movies. i love to go downtown in chicago and roam around.check out my friends.... listen to the white tie affair! check out my mom's websiteMom and MeMe and my sis

I'd like to meet:

some one who is not a liar!!! people who are genuine and creative, true to themselves and not fake pieces of shit. i would like to meet people who care about others and arent selfish asses. i dont jugde people on appearance, but on their attitiudes and smarts. its hard for me to trust people because ive been lied to and manipulated by the closest of friends, people suck, but if youre genuine, honest, and dont try to be something youre not, then we can talk. i hate people who try to put on a front & make everyone like them, you just cant please all the people all the time.


i love all types of music except for country, cant stand it :P at the moment perfect circle, tool, the killers, modest mouse, Sia, Sade, Depache Mode, and NIN are my perogatives.


i love horror movies and comedies. but ill watch anything as long as it doesnt suck!


totally addicted to adult swim


science fiction, horror, mystery, religious, philosophical....i love the Da Vinici Code, Angels and Demons, anything by Laurel Hamilton or Robert Jordan; love the classics by Shakespear, Wilde, Poe, etc;The Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wild, The End of Faith, and just finished SEx, Drugs, and DNA by Michael Stebbins.


my dad and my bro

My Blog


This blog is the follow up to the "experimental question" i asked all of you. That being : "If you could be free of a Conscience, (guilt-free, remorse-free, and free of emotional attachments to people...
Posted by lil rach on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 02:27:00 PST

Quiz time

I created a quiz for my friends to take. if you really know me then check it out....if you don't really know me, do it anyway =P Create your own friendquiz here...
Posted by lil rach on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:38:00 PST

natasha's halloween party

Create Your Own!...
Posted by lil rach on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 01:25:00 PST

halloween party

Posted by lil rach on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:23:00 PST

Mayan calendar

So Jake, Matt, and I were sittin around bullshittin yesterday and Matt brought up the mayan calendar. (He is full of knowlegde pretaining to astronomy and the things that make me think.) He stated tha...
Posted by lil rach on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 11:58:00 PST

israelis and arabs

I hate politics. But I decided that I needed to really get to the bottom of what the hell is going on with Israel and Arabs. I researched and found some really interesting information. Now I'm really ...
Posted by lil rach on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 11:24:00 PST

b-boy/b-girl SHIAAAATTTT

So this saturday my boyfriend Jacob took me to the my first real b-boy battle. We went to the I.B.E. 2006 championships. The top 2 b-boys/b-girls got a trip to europe for the world championships. I wa...
Posted by lil rach on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 09:49:00 PST

this one's for my opa

This week has been a rough one. My Opa (grandpa) = A great man; grandfather, father, brother, uncle, son, and beloved husband has passed on. He was a fighter. Opa had been sick for 5-7 years...
Posted by lil rach on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 05:56:00 PST


The artitst is the creator of beautiful things.         To reveal art and conceal the artist is art's aim.      The critic is he who ca...
Posted by lil rach on Mon, 15 May 2006 02:58:00 PST

new apartment:)

This blog is for all my friends who have not made it out to see my new apartment. I'm comin to you all, so that you all can see where I'm at nowadays. love you guys and gals ;) the living room... &nb...
Posted by lil rach on Sat, 13 May 2006 03:01:00 PST