Hey... my name is Tyrone Pressley i am a senior at POky!! its a chill school i wouldnt go anywhere else. I Teach HipHop at THE DANCE FACTORY and its the best studio in pocatello and we could probabaly beat every studio in IDAHO...i couldnt live with out my (some what) family!! and if i wasnt dancing i couldnt make it through the day!! i probabaly wouldnt be on earth still if i didnt dance.. i usally put dance first before anything,,, Um i am pretty easy to get along with i try and be friends with everybody CUZ LIFE IS TOO SHORT to be in one Clique!! and if you dont wanna be cool wit me its your problem and sucks for you!!i will try THO !! ANYTHING ELSE just ask ....PEACE guys layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
katte shean, mia micheals, barack obama, comfort fedoke, kherington payne, sabra, donyelle jones, travis wallpretty much every one from sytycd
My Blog
BZ Community Class - Leslie Scott Group 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udcGnkmYjOE Posted by on Sat, 22 Nov 2008 19:41:00 GMT