5150jake profile picture


5150 4 LIFE!!!

About Me

"The individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate the might of the force of habit-and must understand that practices are what create habits. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him-and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires."-J. Paul Getty

My Interests

anticipation of death is worse then death itself. so do what u want when u want and play like there's no tomorrow. :)in dreams n in life nothing is impossible, so do all the things u think u can't do. the two things i try to live by.

I'd like to meet:

did the white girl thing, did the hispanic thing, did the black thing, n i guess now its time for the asians... but really, who expect to hook up on myspace?


country n many others.... n yes i said country. how many asians do u know driving down the street blasting George Straight on the radio? haha oh, n u should hear the monkey noise i make. 5150jake = monkey boy


porn porn porn..... n others lol


The Art of War, The Power of Focus, n The Purpose Driven Life


my second dad... deputy ulloa. luv u gus. RIP. n of course my parents too even tho i dont show it sometimes but thats y i have my lil sis. thanks chris. =)