SAE profile picture


cause i'm fresssh

About Me

my name is rachel but everyone calls me sae. i'm twenty one! i'm a taurus. i'm stubborn. i get easily angered. i don't need any motivation. i'm mature. understanding. reliable. trustworthy. i lived my whole life in UNION CITY. i'm currently attending heald college, love it. i'm not a wanna be go-go dancer, a model or a follower. i live my life how i wanna see it. i have the happiest and healthiest nephew/son on earth! knowing what he been through, makes me love him even more. we are truly BLESSED. been with my hubby for 4 years. i have the BEST family and THEEE BEST REAL TRUE friends. if you have a problem with me, please let me know. i HANDLE my shit. don't judge me by what others say. there just HATERS that are JEALOUS of MY GOOD ASS LIFE. dont hate just cuz you aint LIVIN THE LAVISH LIFE im livin in.

Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user

My Interests

my family, jeremiah, friends, kenny, school, MAC make-up, my car, my laptop, $$$, purses, heels, and all that materialistic shiit. you know what i mean. =P

I'd like to meet:

anyone but scary ass bitches thats still stuck on the HIGH SCHOOL shit, please. done with that shit. its gettin hella old. im BEGGING, get a life!!


everythin. i gigg to anything.


Mr. Brooks


the hills. any reality shows. law & order SVU. the girls next door. keepin up with that kardasians. what i like about you. all of us.


Criminal Justice Books.


my mom, dad, kuya and jeremiah. they keep me goin.

My Blog


I had so much fun this past weekend. Meeting new people is such a great feeling! And being away from people that start drama is even better. I'm surrounded by POSITIVE people and I always was. I got t...
Posted by SAE on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 10:39:00 PST

Family Pictures

Family Time. Enjoy. MY family. HAPPY HOLIDAYS. Grandma and Grandpa! My brother and me. Cute one. I had to hold his hands cuz he kept lifting them up! haha He looks uncomfortable here. hehe. My...
Posted by SAE on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 01:17:00 PST