Noelle profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I suffer from TMJ or rather, TMD; so I get mad cranky in the mornings.

My Interests

My famjam, friends, concerts, beach, YouTube, Wikipedia, PHX Suns, bodyboarding, bonfires, bbqs, travelling, food, paintballing w/ my brothers, playing with my dog- SirBearus, tending to my bruises, Real Estate, House of Pies' strawberry cream pie, Having maximum fun w/ minimum drama, playing tennis, playing poker and solitaire, reading a nice book and other unsaid pursuits.. yeah,yeah- that's me in a nut shell... Attack of the noelle's

I'd like to meet:

My first million by the age of 30.


eclectic taste.


many comedies.. 80's movies are bomb. Kid movies are hella fun.


The Office!! -I love love love that show! CSI L.V is awesome, Law & Order SVU, Scrubs, Anderson Cooper, How I met your Mother, Heroes... Just to name a few.


I'm never w/o a book.. pocket books are tiiight. Currently reading, 'Infinite Jest' by David Foster Wallace.


Josh Valero because he always stays away from wild hippo conversations.My entire fam jam.. soldiers past and present. . . . . . .and quite possibly you.