i LoVe pLaYinG mY hUla-hOops and beLLy tWisTeRs!! i cRaVE fOr marShmaLLoWs, CoOkiEs aNd cReaM/bAnAnA sPliT fLaVoReD iCe CrEaM, PriNgLes wHeThEr iT mAybE cHeEsE/hoT&spiCy fLaVor, bRaNdY, tequiLLa (cUeRvo/TequiLLa rOse), dOriToS, pAnCiT biHon, spiCy FRIED CHICKEN, biCoL eXprEss (my FavoRitE), BrEaDtAlK's "FrEshLy BaKeD" hOtChiC/FiReFloSs and TOSH's bLacK spagHetti & sTufFed NaChoS!! i hAvE pasSioN fOr feverish undies, hot MINI skirts, natty pointed high-heeled boots, preppy shorts, stylish stilletos/flats, voguish bags, MORE PiCtuReS (hehe!!), w i n n i e d' p o o h... i aLsO loVe haNgiNg oUt, pAmpEriNg mYseLf tHRouGh DERMSTRATA, JoVeT(PersOnaL maKe-Up ArtiSt/HaiRstYlisT), and NaiL LofT! I LOVE SHOPPING!!!-----my PASSION! & one of the reasons why I LIVE SO HAPPILY! haha
i wAnT tO mEeT REAL pEoPlE iNsYd aNd OuT, bEcAUsE fOR mE, LiARs ShOULd Be iN hELL RyT aT tHiS VeRy PoiNt Of TiMe!! ThEy HaVe No PlAcE hERe On EaRth... dUN siLa sA mOoN bAkA mAy MaHaNaP p SiLa Ng mALoLoKo NiLa dUN...
Akon's Mr. Lonely, Sitti Navarrto's I didn't know I was looking for love & Tatooed on my mind, Patti Austin's In my life, Jed Madela's Changes in my life & The Past, TLC's Missing You, Kuh Ladesma's Till I met you, MYMP's Only reminds me of you, You got it all, and Nothing's gonna stop us now, Kelly Clarkson's Because of you, Leann Rimes' How can i live?, Brandy's Have you ever & (Everything I do) I do it for you, Uncle Sam's When I see you smile
The Notebook (It made me cry!), The Fast & The Furious, Scream, Lord of the Rings, The Grudge, White Chicks, Transformers (I watched it twice in the big screen), Ratatouille, My Sassy Girl, A love story, Mean Girls, I know what you did last summer, Leprechaun, Mr. Bean, The princess diaries, Rush Hour 3 (Oh sooo funny!)
FTV, Deal or No Deal, ASAP/SOP, Imbestigador, Natutulog Ba Ang Dios, Ysabella, Walang Kapalit, Which Star are you from, Full House, Princess Hours
From This Verse, Woman's Ultimate Guide, The Holy Bible, Purpose Driven Life, cOsMoPoLitAn, mEtRo, cAndY, gLamOur, VogUe, iNsTYLe, (i'Ve gOtTeN sOme fAshiOn aNd eTiquEtte sMarts fRom aLL thEse fAshiOn anD beAutY maGazineS)