Ma.DhArReNi-RiShZaiRa profile picture


well it's love, it's love, it's love...

About Me

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts Myspace LayoutsI fiNd mYsElf aT oDds wiTh mY oWn cRitiCiSm. I'M criTiCal enOugh Of My oWn wOrk aNd abiLiTies tO mEntAlly eXagGerAte mY flaWs. YeT, aT tHe sAme TiMe, I rEaliZe thAt mY woRk aNd mY aBiliTy tO iMprOve iS suBsTanTiaLLy gReAtEr tHaN mAnY. ThiS lEaVes mE pErPeTuALLy iN tHaT piVotAl pOsiTiOn oF dEciDiNg tO tRy aGaiN oR giVe uP. As aN eXteNSioN oF thiS sAmE sWoRd I fiNd thAt, ofTenTimEs, aS I leArN aNd rEleArN iN aN eFFoRt tO iMpRoVe, tHe eNd rEsUlT iS oNly a mOrE lEaRnEd rEndiTion oF mY fiRsT aTTeMpTs. My fiRsT tHoUgHt pRoCeSs iS uSuALLy cOrReCt. Yet, mY oWn cRitiCisM cAusEs mE tO rEwoRk uNtiL I aRriVe riGht bAck wHeRe I sTaRtEd. ThE oNly diFfeReNce bEtWeeN thE bEgiNniNg aNd tHE EnD iS D kNOwLdGE ThaT I CaNt Do It aNY bEtTEr. THIs iS PlEaSiNG AnD EmPOWerIng iN SoME WaYS aNd VeRy diSCoUrAGiNG iN oThErS.IT's inTerEsTiNg, aFtEr tHe fAcT, tO sEe tHiS pLay oUt iN tHe vARioUs aReAs oF My liFe. FrOm My sOciAl aBiLiTieS, tO SinGiNg, tO fAsHioN iT cAn bE sEen. SoCiaLLy, I cOnStAnTly dOuBt tHe vAliDitY oF tHe rElaTioNsHiPs I'vE mAdE aNd iT tAkEs mE qUiTe sOmE tiMe tO rEaLizE thAt wHaT I wAs lOokiNg fOr iN a pArTiCuLar fRieNdsHip wAs aCtuAlly thEre lOng bEfoRe I rEaliZed iT. In siNgiNg, I'll siNg tHe sAmE tYpE oF sOnGs dAy aFtEr dAy oNlY tO fiNd tHaT I pReFer oNe oF mY fiRsT aTTemPts. In fAsHiOn, I aLmOsT alWaYs diSmiSs mY iNiTiaL dEsiGn aS aMaTeur aNd rEwOrk uNtiL I eNd uP iN tHe eXaCt sAmE sPoT.MOrE oFteN thAn nOt, tHe wOrK thAt I Am mOsT pRouD oF tEnDs tO bE thOse thiNgs thAt I cReAteD quiCklY, oN a wHiM, wiThOut oVeR thiNkiNg -- jUsT leTTiNg mY iNsTiNcTs gUiDe mE. Yet, eVeN wiTh tHiS kNoWleDgE, iN a tWiStEd aPpliCaTioN oF tHiS vEry pRiNciPaL I cOnTiNuE tO dOuBt mY iNsTiNcTs aNd oNly rEly oN tHeM wHen I'M nOt tHiNkiNg aBouT iT.

My Interests

i LoVe pLaYinG mY hUla-hOops and beLLy tWisTeRs!! i cRaVE fOr marShmaLLoWs, CoOkiEs aNd cReaM/bAnAnA sPliT fLaVoReD iCe CrEaM, PriNgLes wHeThEr iT mAybE cHeEsE/hoT&spiCy fLaVor, bRaNdY, tequiLLa (cUeRvo/TequiLLa rOse), dOriToS, pAnCiT biHon, spiCy FRIED CHICKEN, biCoL eXprEss (my FavoRitE), BrEaDtAlK's "FrEshLy BaKeD" hOtChiC/FiReFloSs and TOSH's bLacK spagHetti & sTufFed NaChoS!! i hAvE pasSioN fOr feverish undies, hot MINI skirts, natty pointed high-heeled boots, preppy shorts, stylish stilletos/flats, voguish bags, MORE PiCtuReS (hehe!!), w i n n i e d' p o o h... i aLsO loVe haNgiNg oUt, pAmpEriNg mYseLf tHRouGh DERMSTRATA, JoVeT(PersOnaL maKe-Up ArtiSt/HaiRstYlisT), and NaiL LofT! I LOVE SHOPPING!!!-----my PASSION! & one of the reasons why I LIVE SO HAPPILY! haha

I'd like to meet:

i wAnT tO mEeT REAL pEoPlE iNsYd aNd OuT, bEcAUsE fOR mE, LiARs ShOULd Be iN hELL RyT aT tHiS VeRy PoiNt Of TiMe!! ThEy HaVe No PlAcE hERe On EaRth... dUN siLa sA mOoN bAkA mAy MaHaNaP p SiLa Ng mALoLoKo NiLa dUN...


Akon's Mr. Lonely, Sitti Navarrto's I didn't know I was looking for love & Tatooed on my mind, Patti Austin's In my life, Jed Madela's Changes in my life & The Past, TLC's Missing You, Kuh Ladesma's Till I met you, MYMP's Only reminds me of you, You got it all, and Nothing's gonna stop us now, Kelly Clarkson's Because of you, Leann Rimes' How can i live?, Brandy's Have you ever & (Everything I do) I do it for you, Uncle Sam's When I see you smile


The Notebook (It made me cry!), The Fast & The Furious, Scream, Lord of the Rings, The Grudge, White Chicks, Transformers (I watched it twice in the big screen), Ratatouille, My Sassy Girl, A love story, Mean Girls, I know what you did last summer, Leprechaun, Mr. Bean, The princess diaries, Rush Hour 3 (Oh sooo funny!)


FTV, Deal or No Deal, ASAP/SOP, Imbestigador, Natutulog Ba Ang Dios, Ysabella, Walang Kapalit, Which Star are you from, Full House, Princess Hours


From This Verse, Woman's Ultimate Guide, The Holy Bible, Purpose Driven Life, cOsMoPoLitAn, mEtRo, cAndY, gLamOur, VogUe, iNsTYLe, (i'Ve gOtTeN sOme fAshiOn aNd eTiquEtte sMarts fRom aLL thEse fAshiOn anD beAutY maGazineS)

My Blog

a beauty tip from dhaRrEn on how to Get Rid Of Pimples!!!

1.CLEAN! Wash your face with a gentle, oil- and fragrance-free cleanser; preferably a nondetergent one labeled pH balanced. If you have oily skin all over your face, use a cleanser that contains b...
Posted by Ma.DhArReNi-RiShZaiRa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

sOmEtHiNg AbOuT Me

1. ur full name?: MaRiA dHaRReN i-RisH zaIra maRisTela daLaOdaO 2. wer do u live?: USSR>UnitEd sTaTEs oF saN maTEo riZaL..lolz! 3. Wat skuls hav u been to?: spEEd leaRniNG, sT. brIDgET sChool,...
Posted by Ma.DhArReNi-RiShZaiRa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i'M bOred..iM waItiNg fOr nOthIng!!
Posted by Ma.DhArReNi-RiShZaiRa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST