Drinking at movies, struggling to find shows in town, teaching dogs how to do elaborate tricks, playing video games with swords and floppy-eared mascots, reading, lesson-planning, playing for winless soccer teams (RIP), synthesizing, and becoming a better lover
Anyone within 250 miles who needs/wants to get out. I'd prefer you have a willingness to dance on tables and a desire to meet Irish men, but more than anything else, I'd just like to hang out with people who I didn't go to high school with.
Big Star, The Magnetic Fields, The Modern Lovers, Kanye Killa, and all things Neptunes/Timbaland
Shoot the Piano Player, Battlefield Earth, Miller's Crossing, They Live, Street Trash, Suspiria, 8 1/2, Death Race 2000, Shaolin Soccer, M, Citizen Kane, The Graduate, Lost in Translation, and a few more
Confederacy of Dunces, Jimmy Corrigan, Kavalier + Clay, and all of my tattered Bloom County books (most of them long since sold to Ebay by parents in desperate situations)