Indie =D
Riot Grrrl
eLectro pOp
Dance pUnk
Art rOck
New rave
Alternative rOck
Movies that rOck
charlie and the chocolate factory
the nightmare before christmas
edward scissorhands
corpse bride
a clockwork orange
Pan's Labyrinth
Requiem for a dream
Kill bill
das perfum
El viaje de Chihiro
The notebook
The butterfly effect
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
*edward scissorhands
*corpse bride
*a clockwork orange
*Pan's Labyrinth
*The secret window
*Requiem for a dream
*Kill bill
*The shining
*das perfum
*El viaje de Chihiro
*The notebook
*The butterfly effect
*eternal sunshine of the spotless mind ETC...
bOn spOnja [o_o]
warner channel
sony entertainment
mtv/vh1 etc..
[the order doesn't matter]
[♥ lovely lovely times ♥]
She's my daughter
believe it or not!
se iama zOe [o_o]
tiene qasi 2 años
me hace mucho divertir
es hiperactiva juguetona travieza & asii..
habla en un idioma extraño..
La amO!! =D daria mi todo x eia sin pensarlo
es lo mas xtraordinario qe he echo n mi vida
ii lo uniqo por lo qe vale la pena vivir♥