Profile Generator
Profile GeneratorA list of smiles
Bunny rabbits
Cat people…you agree, right Jess?
Dancing when you think no ones looking
Endorphins after the gym
Free Period Crew
Girly Sleepovers
House Parties
Ice cream when its really hot
Jolly games of scrabble…you think i’m kidding?
London Town
My pink flowery umbrella…nothing that pretty can give you bad luck
Not having anything to do
Overkilling is funny…right?
Questioning Jessica about where she is going…let me guess its your mum
Reaching the end of the line so we can sing ‘we have come to the end of the line’
The Saw Doctors
Underground…where would we be without our transport system?
Vin de pays – unsophisticated and cheap wine
Wearing heels…almost everyone’s height
Xtreme cycling in China
Your Mum
Seeing a clown or only thinking about a clown can result in the following symptoms:
breathlessness, dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, feeling sick, shaking, heart palpitations, inability to speak or think clearly, a fear of dying, becoming mad or losing control, a sensation of detachment from reality or a full blown anxiety attack.