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Mississippi's Own

yall must got me confused wit them othaz boiz

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Member Since: 10/6/2006
Band Website: soundclick.com/enemiesofthastate
Band Members: .. width="425" height="350" ..clowin @ama

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Add to My Profile | More VideosMuddy Water Records present Dirk Dig first solo project Mississippi's Own tha mixtape featuring Accused, 5 Mics,Lunatik,& Mississippi Sherm of tha Enemiez of tha State(Muddy Water Records, Funky Shyt Production Inc, Dj. Drizzle (Crunk Boi Records),Mr.Bayou Agusta (Muddy Water Records,Gusta Ward)D-Boi (Trillincut)& my lil brother Richie Gatti (fuck Flat-Lyne he doin his own thang) & check out tha first singles off tha upcoming album tha "Rite Buzz" & "Cool but im cold"

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Record Label: Muddy Water Recordings
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

1st single of my solo mixtape"Mississippi's Own"

tha rite buzz do u got it? what do u think about it? ...
Posted by Mississippi's Own on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:05:00 PST