Man on a Mission profile picture

Man on a Mission

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Jesse, and I am finally gonna edit this thing for the first time in a very long time. I'm gonna start off by saying I've got the best friends in the world. Melissa is my pride and joy. Ryan Finan, Bender, Justin and Sarah McMahon, the entire Kelch family, and pretty much everyone that associates with them, you guys are family to me. That's right. You've all been adopted. To everyone I haven't mentioned, I'm sorry but I don't have that much time to type. You know who you are, and I'd take a bullet for any one of you. If I had everything in the world, but you guys were missing, I'd have nothing. I know it sounds cheesy, But that's how I roll. Get over it. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Men Only - Relationship IQ - How Good Are You?
The Perfect Man...
They say the gingerbread man is perfect because he doesn't talk, he's sweet, & if you get into a fight, you can bite his head off. However, if you scored 75% or better, you either lied on the test, or you know that women generally take dating seriously. You don't obessess over sex and you treat a woman's body and her feelings with respect. You know how to give a compliment and you don't rush into kissing or sex without considering a girl's feelings first. Although you may have some flaws, you are the "Perfect Man".
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My Interests

I love to build things. Woodworking is my favorite hobby. Working on cars is great. I'm not a bad welder either.

I'd like to meet:

Aerosmith, and Bush (so I can slap him in the head and give him a bag of pretzels.)


Rock is my absolute favorite. Classic, heavy metal,punk,grunge,and alternative. But I will listen to anything but rap.


TRANSFORMERS!!!! The Illusionist, all the superhero movies (because I'm a dork in disguise) and anything that makes me laugh.


Family Guy, That 70's Show, The Mind of Mencia, Dave Chappelle, The Simpsons, America's Most Wanted, And 24.


Anything written by R.A. Salvatore.


To idolize those around you who are no more than mortal men only implies that you believe that you are something less than them. Having talent does not put you above your fellow man.

My Blog

The Laws of Love

So many people have been asking me about this lately...I decided that I'd answer everyone at once.Mankind has been trying to define love for countless centuries.That may be everybody's problem.  ...
Posted by Man on a Mission on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 12:33:00 PST

Of Demons and Angels

I spent five years in HellStaring through the flames at the Angel on the other sideHeld down by the Demon's chains and swallowing my prideWhen the chains finally broke I escaped that placeNever lookin...
Posted by Man on a Mission on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 09:42:00 PST

Something Diabolical

EventideRise for ritual With the thrill of a kill vengefully the engine will Roar forth steer the dead leave forced Driven by fear shift gears veer towards The foolishly equipped swift These failed b...
Posted by Man on a Mission on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 10:30:00 PST

The Hunter (takin a shot at this story-writing thing.)

His footsteps as quiet as his thoughts, he moves through the alleys.  A wraith confined in flesh and blood, eyes focused unblinking on his target, leaping from shadow to shadow.  He moves cl...
Posted by Man on a Mission on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 12:54:00 PST