XOxEmMyxOX profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

um . . i dont really know wat im like but a awsome friend of mine (cough slab cough) lol says im really nice, easy to talk to and comforting. im always here 4 u to talk to and i love meeting new people!! i really wanna get to know heaps of new people but im a bit shy face to face. . . but ill warm up 2 u pretty quik lolmwa mwa much love . . . emily xxDancE as though no one is watching you. . . . . . . . . LOvE as though you have never been hurt before. . . . . . . . . . . SiNg as though no-one can hear you. . . . . . . . . . . . .livE as though heaven is on earth. . .
Survey About Yourself
About You
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brunette
Height: 166 i think . .
Favorite Color: i dont have one. . . .
Screen Name: em
Favorite Band: red jumpsuit n nickelback n rise against n a change of pace
Favorite Movie: um . . . .ill get back to ya on that . .
Favorite Show: i dont know!!!
Your Car: dnt hav one yet! . . . soon tho lol
Your Hometown: greensborough, melb
Your Present Town: keif haha
Your Crushes First Name: hehehe thatsa sekret . . . .
Your Grade: 10
Your Style: is mine! u kant hav it!!
Have You Ever
Sat on your rooftop?: no . . im scared of heights. . .
Kissed someone in the rain?: yea hehe
Danced in a public place?: all by my lonesome with people laughen at me . . . . snif snif . . .
Smiled for no reason?: all tha time haha
Laughed so hard you cried?: hahaha yep
Peed your pants after age 8?: um . . . nnnnooooooo
Written a song?: not even gonna try . . .
Sang to someone for no reason?: not to neone. . . i was prob alreadi singen n they heard me haha
Performed on a stage?: unfortunatley . . .
Talked to someone you don't know?: yea haha was funnii
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: almost . . .
Made out in a theatre?: not yet haha
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: yes! bad experience!!!!!
Been in love?: . . . yea . . . . . .. .
Who was the last person to
Say HI to you?: um . ... one of my bosses . . .
Tell you, I love you?: benny
Kiss you?: mmm ben. ..
Hug you?: mi mum
Tell you BYE?: dad haha
Write you a note?: um . . . bree
Take your photo?: brookie
Call your cell phone?: mi bro pete
Buy you something?: dad- clothes!!
Go with you to the movies?: lozz haha was awsum lol
Sing to you?: brookie!!!
Write a poem about you?: nobodis eva donr that 4 me . . . sniff . .
Text message you?: benny . . hehe
Touch you?: mum wen she hugged me
What's the last
Time you laughed?: thisarvo wen mi dogs attacked me. . . eeeewwwwww
Time you cried?: i dont remember. . . .
Movie you watched?: wedding crashers hahaha
Joke you told?: im bad at jokes. . . i dont tell them hahaha
Song you've sang?: every second- a change of pace
Time you've looked at the clock?: haha just then lol
Drink you've had?: hot miloo
Number you've dialed?: #100#- chekd mi credit haha
Book you've read?: presumed guilty
Food you've eaten?: fried rice
Flavor of gum chewed?: strawberri hubba bubba!!! haha
Shoes you've worn?: mi uggies
Store you've been in?: BP for food haha
Thing you've said?: dunno . . .
Can You
Write with both hands?: haha not well
Whistle?: no . . .
Blow a bubble?: YeS!!
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yepp
Cross your eyes?: haha hell yea
Touch your tounge to your nose?: um . . hang on . . . no . . humph. . . .
Dance?: not good enuf 4 u to c haha
Gleek?: wotz that??
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: haha yea but not on mi own lol
Speak a different language?: used to haha
Impersonate someone?: no
Prank call people?: yep lol
Make a card pyramid?: yes! so much fun haha
Cook anything?: yea im ok . . . burgers n stuff . . .
Finish The Line
If i were a ...: light
I wish ...: i could brighten ur day
So many people don't know that ...: ur upset n feelen grey
I am ...: confused. .? . .
My heart is ...: beating
Take this survey | Find more surveysI wANna be tHe GirL He'S ScaReD tO lOOSe, tHe One wHeRe He cAN'T Walk AwAy FroM KNowiNG ShE'S mAD AT hIm, tHe onE wheRe HE cAn't FalL aSLEeP wItHOut HeR VOicE BeiNg tHe LAST oNe he heARs. tHe oNE He CAnt lIVE WIthoUT.BELIEVE: (bi-leev) v. to know in your heart that something is true; to feel certain of the worth or value of something.dont ever leave the one you love for the one you like becdause the one you like will leave you for the one they love.i look at my friends then i look at me. . without my hunnies where would i be? my friends, my sisters, my shadows, my world. . where would i be without my girls? tears, giggles, smiles and laughs, late night calls and cute photographs, i'll be there for you lill the day of my death. . best girlies forever. . . till my verry last breath. . .
You Are a Soft Kisser
Your kissing style is understated, but effective
You give soft, sweet, and soulful kisses to your special guy
And that's the key: he's got to be special to get your kiss
Because you don't just go around kissing anyone What's Your Kissing Style? /div..

My Interests

i love muSIC, i like playen netball,not into it as much as i was tho. . um . goen out with friends, summen- theres so much more to do and most of the time everyone is in a more energetic mood haha. . um i dunno wat else im interested in..just goen out or stayen hme i dnt mind i just want a goot time! lol xoxox. . . i dont wanna close my eyes, i dont wanna fall asleep. . cuz i'd miss u babe n i dont wanna miss a thing. . .
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... breath taking
Your hugs are... gentle
Your eyes... twinkle in the moonlight
Your touch is... irresistable
Your smell is... beautiful
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... one of a kind


i love nickelback, red jumpsuit, rise against, kiss chasey, ne doof doof haha n nething new or memorible! i love it all lol


i like most movies but nuthen particular. comedy, horror, action,chikflix of course . . . nething
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Your results:
You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 65% Supergirl 60% The Flash 60% Robin 52% Spider-Man 50% Green Lantern 50% Catwoman 45% Superman 40% Iron Man 40% Hulk 30% Batman 25% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
Your results:
You are Mystique Mystique 52% Catwoman 47% Venom 45% Mr. Freeze 38% Poison Ivy 37% Apocalypse 36% Magneto 36% Kingpin 34% Lex Luthor 33% Juggernaut 32% Riddler 29% Dr. Doom 28% The Joker 25% Dark Phoenix 25% Green Goblin 8% Two-Face 4% Sometimes motherly, sometimes a beautiful companion, but most of the time a deceiving vixen.
Click here to take the "Which Super Villain are you?" quiz...


. . . and she was hidden within herself. . . cleverly disguised as beauty. . .

My Blog


hey hey hey!!! im a virgin blogger so im kinda stuk on wat to say. . lol im workin in mi mum's shop atm coz shez in hospital coz she had a operation yestaday.  its mi 1st time workin. . newhere. ...
Posted by XOxEmMyxOX on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 09:25:00 PST