Kelli profile picture


All About Moi!.

About Me

Hmm well I'm 19, I'm from the 'Chi. I'm a Christian and I absolutely love God with all my heart and I love serving him especially through children's ministries such as teaching sunday school and counselling at camp! So basically I'm not online all summer because that's what I do! I LOVE counselling at camp and sharing God's love with the kids there, it's very rewarding! : ) Apart from all of that I also love to shop, chill with my friends, watch movies, etc! I pretty much love my job too, I work at a photolab/scrapbooking supplies store. I love photography and I'm beginning to love scrapbooking as well, it's like mad addictive!!
All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: Kelli
Middle name?:: Dawn
Like your name?:: Harris
Named after anyone?:: my mom, her middle name is Kelli, only with a y!
Any nicknames?:: umm a bunch, Beans, Kel, Kells Bells, shortie, pink
Age?:: 19
Birthdate?:: January 15th, 87
Birthplace?:: New castle!
Time you were born?:: not sure..
Current location?:: in my bedroom!
Height?:: 5'
Like your height?:: well I don't have much choice in the matter!
Eye color?:: bluish/grey
Contacts/glasses?:: neither
Hair color?:: dark brown
Natural hair color?:: dark brown
Dye your hair often?:: nope, soon I will be tho!
Righty or lefty?:: righty!
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: Christian- rock, rap, worship...
Band or singer?:: band, Hawk Nelson!
TV show?:: I have a few! One Tree Hill!
Movie?:: Too many to choose just one..
TV channel?:: hmm TLC
Radio station?:: 101.1 The Positive Voice!
Place to be?:: MBC/T4Y
Thing to do?:: Shop!
Food?:: anything spicy, chicken!
Non alcoholic drink?:: Nestea Zero!
Alcoholic drink?:: none!
Animal?:: dogs fer sure
Holiday?:: Christmas!
Season?:: Summer?
Sport?:: Basketball
Place to shop?:: anywhere!!!!!
Clothing brand?:: Whatevs, I'm not big on the brand, it's all about the look
Scent?:: Lacoste, Touch of Pink
Restaurant?:: Jungle Jims
Fruit?:: Honey Dew!
Vegetable?:: Carrots!
Fast food restaurant?:: Subway!
Pizza topping?:: pineapple!
Ice cream flavor?:: ooh man, Banana soft serve from Parks'
Magazine?:: WW
City?:: hmm Halifax
Color?:: brown and pink
Number?:: umm 3
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: Chocolate
Pepsi or coke?:: neither
Hot or cold?:: hot
Black or white?:: black
Dog or cat?:: dog!!
French toast or pancakes?:: pancakes
French fries or onion rings?:: french fries
Hamburger or hot dog?:: hmm hamburger I guess, not a huge fan of either
Pepperoni or sausage?:: hmm pepperoni i guess
Britney or Christina?:: lol neither
McDonalds or Burger King?:: McD's
50 Cent or Eminem?:: whatevs
Canada or Mexico?:: Canada, never experienced Mexico!
Hug or kiss?:: depends!
Movies or TV?:: hmm movies, i hate commercials!
Truth or dare?:: truth
Do you...
Shower daily?:: of course!!!!
Sing in the shower?:: of course!!!!
Like to sing?:: very much so
Like to dance?:: not opposed
Smoke?:: yuck!
Drink?:: nope
Cuss?:: nope
Talk to yourself?:: haha sometimes, at work
Believe in yourself?:: usually
Play an instrument?:: nah, I am instrumentally challenged
Go to school?:: not at the moment
Go to college?:: soon!
Have a job?:: yup, photo lab
Like your job?:: loves it
Want to get married?:: fer sure
Want to have kids?:: heck yes!!
Get along with your parents?:: very well, love them
Get along with your siblings?:: yeah my sister is like my best friend!
Drive?:: not well or often
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: yup
Think your funny?:: I have my moments
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: possibly
Gone garbage can tipping?:: nope!
What are your parents names?:: Rhonda and Frank
Siblings names?:: Robyn!!!
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: you know it
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: depends on the day, atleast three
Collect anything?:: umm pictures? lol if that counts
Ever been in love?:: nope
In love right now?:: nope
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: red ones! pjs
How does your hair look?:: it's beautifully straightened!
Ever had your heartbroken?:: nope
Ever broken the law?:: hmm I don't think so
Been arrested?:: nope
Been out of the country?:: yup, Belize
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: eww no
When was the last time you got drunk?:: pretty sure thats a never
Do you do drugs?:: yuck no
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: hmm painting at the church? lol jk
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: depends!
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: ewww no, never
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: weeellll
Do you like to laugh?:: no. hate laughing. haha stupid question!!
Ever had a bloody nose?:: yuck yes, first time ever, nbbi...yuck
Have you ever caught a fish?:: umm not really, I've witnessed others catch them
What was the last thing you ate?:: toast with pb!
What time do you go to bed?:: whenever!
What's your favorite color?:: pretty sure this was asked earlier, brown and pink
Do you like to give or recieve?:: both, but giving is best!!!
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: shopping, taking pictures,
Do you live alone?:: nope I live with the fam!
Do you own a blender?:: fer sure
Do you like the snow?:: I think it's pretty..but cold
Ever been up a mountain?:: hmm not really
Ever been rootin'?:: huh???
Do you like surprises?:: hmm sometimes!
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My Interests

Interests...hmm well I LOVE to shop, I love singing but I'm not particularly good at it haha, I love playing sports for fun haha, I love to hang out with my friends and family and my puppy!! haha I love to counsel at camp, and the missions trips I have went on were pretttty sweet too...I love to teach my sunday school class and I love being an Awana Leader! I LOVE REJOICE BIBLE CLUBS, yeaa yeaa Hali! I love lip gloss and yellow roses, and favourite food is Spaghetti, my favourite drink is water, my favourite color is PINK...I will just stop there! I could go on forever though! ; )

I'd like to meet:

Whatevs, pretty much anyone, I love meeting new ppl soooo hit me up if ya want! Ask for my msn if ya want..


I like lot's of different music, mostly Christian... rock: Hawk Nelson, Kutless, Switchfoot, Krystal Meyers, Relient K, Audio Adrenaline, Pillar, Stellar Kart, etc. rap: Crossmovement, KJ52, TobyMac.. random: Casting Crowns, Hillsongs United, Jaci Velasquez, Stacie Orrico, Chris Tomlin, Barlowgirl, Point of Grace, Michael W. Smith, Jars of Clay, Tree 63, Steven Curtis Chapman, Newsboys, Rachael Lampa, Jeremy Camp, Rebecca St. James, Visible4Him, etc... country: Rascal Flatts, Emerson Drive, etc!

Crazy/Beautiful, Remember the Titans, A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, The Pacifier, Hitch, Finding Nemo, Napoleon Dynamite, She's the Man, Just like Heaven, Cheaper by the Dozen (1,2) Mulan, Glory Road, Hardball, Princess Diaries, Barbie and the Rockers!


American Idol, Survivor, Amazing Race, Gilmore Girls, The O.C., One Tree Hill, 7th Heaven, America's Next Top Model, Extreme Makeover:Home Edition, Trading Spaces...


The Bible, The Notebook, Leadership Secrets of St. Paul...I read alot, but i don't remember names, oh well...What can ya do!


My mom is pretty much amazing, love my mom! My sister too, can't forget her, she's pretty much awesome!