Kane Mayfield (Mania Music) profile picture

Kane Mayfield (Mania Music)

Death Inside Poetry's Hand

About Me

My Motivation Is Making Good Musiccheck my blog http://kanemayfield.blogspot.com/ Watch out for people who want to give you their "crack". That should be the first red flag, that your about to get your eardrums assaulted by 80 min of someone trying to threaten you, in between telling you about all the fancy shit they bought with illegal money. They are a bunch of queermoe's, and you should NOT believe them. For whatever reason we feel the need to continuously let musicians insult our intelligence and mock the fact that we go to work everyday."You underdig, you oversmell me", "We is too much gangsta/hustler to be working for no fucking 9-5 job my dude.. you overdigg it, so i hustle and rob, and poison my community, but don't download my shit cause thats stealing"Yeah, FUCK YOU TOO LoveKane real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools

Jock My Style:
Check out my Blog Spot Bottom Of The Ocean . /spa

My Interests


Member Since: 10/5/2006
Band Website: WWW.ManiaMusicGroup.com
Band Members: I am a SOLO ARTIST signed to Mania Music Group (VIVA LA MANIA) www.maniamusicgroup.com **Website Is Under Construction**
Influences: Honey Bunches of Oats breakfast cereal, and occasionally a blueberry muffin with yogurt in it (dont fucking judge me)! Oh, and i really dont sleep much. In addition to that.......... Please do not ask me if this is a Movement you should be in tune with, or what I’m going to change in the game, am I bringing sexy back, or how we will take over the blah blah blaaah. Its just music, and more importantly its f*cking entertainment, SO IF YOUR NOT BEING ENTERTAINED ASK MC HOT CRACK PIFF FOR A REFUND. The niggas that’s having movements, and revivals, and king of the coast contests is reeeeeeeeeeal gay, so there will be none of that.SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ME IS.............I DONT LIKE RAPPERS. This is not the trendy artistic MC way of validating my self confidence.... I really dont get along with 75 percent of these music salesmen, with their poor grammar, and pirate clothing (skull heads, chains hanging everywhere). Not to say that if your an artist I wont show love, or we cant be cool, but some of you are assholes and I am not above spitting orange soda on your fake jewelry...... so dont be a douche bag. Same goes for promoters, producers, and radio programmers....yeah i said radio programmers, you guys need to grow a pair and play the shit thats in your ipods.
Sounds Like: Kane is a range of characters that can go from dining with Royalty to street certified in an instance. This blend is an asset that he brings to the mic, fearlessly accepting all challenges, be it an off the wall track or a blood thirsty rapper, he is ever-ready. As a lyricist, Kane strings words like a movie sequence that he forcefully implants into your visual space while maintaining a catchy delivery, and a good supply of subliminals in his records for a surprise on every subsequent visit. Beware of this person, he will PARTY IN YOUR FACE.
Record Label: Mania Music Group “VIVA LA MANIA”
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Mania Music Group in the spirit of the month of mania, has released their first mixtape(WMMG MANIA RADIO TAKEOVER), featuring Midas, Ron G, and Kane Mayfield in an impromptu jam session, flauntin...
Posted by Kane Mayfield (Mania Music) on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 06:35:00 PST

This Thursday

Come on out and check meTHIS THURSDAY @ SONARi will be performing music you have never heard beforethis will be one of only a few shameless plugsHosted By: The Unstoppable Nuklehidz/Punk-Hop-N-B Difri...
Posted by Kane Mayfield (Mania Music) on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 11:29:00 PST

See, THIS is how they talk about US!!!!

This was the first article written about Mania Music Group  Thank You for showing love and supporting...Visit www.maniamusicgroup.com and stay updated on shows and free give aways.&n...
Posted by Kane Mayfield (Mania Music) on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 07:09:00 PST

NAAAH, that cant be it.........can it?

Now this afternoon a partner of mine tells me that my last blog "Rep Your Set" (Gang Violence in the DMV) crossed that line of "talking" about something, and actually making myself a target....
Posted by Kane Mayfield (Mania Music) on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 12:24:00 PST

Gang Violence

While the I.T department (my man Obie) is working the bugs out of http://kanemayfield.blogspot.comLet me just post this up here, kind of like "THE LAST MEAL".Yes....... i know...... melodramatic FO...
Posted by Kane Mayfield (Mania Music) on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 04:02:00 PST

Requiescat In Pace?

Okay, I'm BACK.............like I left my coffee maker running. For those of you that know me, I only tend to write about shit that bothers me, or that I can not figure out and need some help on .......
Posted by Kane Mayfield (Mania Music) on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 01:47:00 PST


I have gotten used to these little prefaces. This is what we (and by we I mean me) like to call an accountability check. How can you fight the power, quit, and get a job with BGE (Baltimore Gas and El...
Posted by Kane Mayfield (Mania Music) on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 03:38:00 PST


People don't want "smart" music, they want pushbutton gratification. Not to mention it is 2008, and the 1980+ crack babies are now in their 20's and running around. Sadly, people strive to cater to th...
Posted by Kane Mayfield (Mania Music) on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 11:53:00 PST

Watch and share your thoughts

please share your thoughts on these...
Posted by Kane Mayfield (Mania Music) on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 12:20:00 PST

Prayer for the Prophets Pain

 Category: Religion and Philosophy My only pain is the cold wind, from the grim circumstances of others reality. I...
Posted by Kane Mayfield (Mania Music) on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 05:32:00 PST