Training 24/2. all day two days a week. Perfecting my ninja chop
Anyone who like throwdown. I fuck up anyone. grandma's,gramps, bradahs, sistas, auntys. You name it. one left hook, ur going down.
anything Ridiculously loud. gotta pump up da adrenilin bah. anyone like get nutz, cuz i trow in some Celein Dieon and Get all fucken physco.
Comedy, action and porn. Mostly porn. Good work out.
Ultimate Fighter. gotta keep on top of my game. No matter, i kick all their asses. Matt Huges is notting.
I cannot read, so is there any hot chick out there who is willing to teach me. Say around 10:30 Pm, Fri-Sun. No shame. i really want to learn how to read. seriously, i wanna read.
The man who invented toilet paper and Mike Tyson. he get one mean left hook.