"In heaven I am a wild ox.
On earth I am a lion.
A jester from hell,
and the shadows allmighty.
The scientist of darkness
older than the constellations.
The mysterious jinx and
the error in heavens masterplan." - VINTERSORG -IMPORTANT, READ THIS:- I only add people with my same tastes regarding music, nordic culture and other stuff i will judge interesting.
- I try to keep my number of friends as low as possible, i will not add you to make number. i will add you only if i like you.
- If you don't know me personally please don't ask my friendship IF you're not interested to talk with me and become what we can call "friends".
- i don't like to have persons on my list to whom i've never spoken.
- Maybe it's a little bit rough but i'm getting a lot of requests and i'm declining nearly all of them, so read this before asking me to become your "emo/pop/rock" friend.THANX
WHAT I LOVE: viking / folk / black / death / thrash metal, reading books, films, nordic culture and folklore, sweden and scandinavian countries, celtic and viking art, collecting trolls, concerts, travels, nature, cats and animals, photography, painting on wood, friends, people that are funny and make me laugh, meet interesting people, exchange point of views ( i love cultural diversities), good food (above all pizza, lasagne, ice cream and chocolate), staying awake till late night....
WHAT I HATE: spiders, fish, too much serious people, egocentric and selfish people, false people, disco / house / tecno / pop / emo music, italian music, hot summer days, my nose, being trapped here, being bored, waking up at morning, to do things that i don't like, pain and sadness, feeling alone, my lazyness....Hören mig alla
heliga släkten,
större och smärre
söner av Heimdall;
du vill ju, Valfader,
att väl jag täljer
forntida sägner,
de första, jag minnes.
- Jättar, i urtid
alstrade, minns jag,
som mig fordom
fostrat hava;
nio världar jag minns,
och vad som var i de nio,
måttgivande trädet
under mullen djupt. -I åldrarnas morgon,
då Ymer levde,
var ej sand, ej sjö,
ej svala vågor;
jorden fanns icke,
ej upptill himlen;
ett gapande svalg fanns
men gräs fanns ingenstädes. -
Innan Burs söner lyfte
landen i höjden,
de som mångberömd
Midgård skapade.
Solen strålade
från söder på stenar,
och gröna örter
grodde i marken. -Solen kom från söder
i sällskap med månen
på höger hand
över himlaranden.
Solen ej visste,
var salar hon hade,
månen ej visste,
vad makt han hade,
stjärnorna ej visste,
var de skimra skulle
Which Black Metal musician are You? (10 possible results)
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