friends,goth music, gothic fashion, books, poetry, writing, singing, movies, MSN ,playing piano...
some old and some new friends
Moonspell, Paradise Lost, Type O Negative, Lacuna Coil, Nightwish, Tristania, Sirenia,Therion, To/Die/For, For My Pain, Flowing Tears, The Gathering, Crematory, The Sins Of Thy Beloved, Haggard, London After Midnight, Epica, Charon, After Forever, Sentenced, Metallica, Children of Bodom, Midgard, Stratovarius, ...and so on...
"10 Things I Hate About You", "Coyote Ugly", "Practical Magic", "Resident Evil",
I don't watch tv,internet is my occupation:)
"Ljubav je sihirbaz babo", "Na ovom svijetu" "Vreca kostiju"