Kevin Spacey...
Billy Joel...
I like everything. anything, everything, all of it.
Iggy Pop - Raw Power
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Breakfast at Tiffanys, Clueless, Roman Holiday, Nightmare on Elm Street, Moulin Rouge, The Notebook, Closer, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, Phantom of the Opera, The Royal Tennenbaums, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, A Christmas Story, The Lost Boys, Zoolander, Funny Face, Sabrina, What a Way to Go, UHF, Gone With the Wind
Battlestar Galactica, Project Runway,Nip/Tuck, Scrubs, Daily Show, The Office, America's Next Top Model, ATHF, X-Files (The Early Seasons), 4400, Colbert Report, Lost.
Ant City
Ants...There's 10,000 species of ants on Earth, and they've survived millions of years with no leaders, no conflicts, no gods. They just shut up, do their thing, and all is good...
Joe Camel...