And we'll dissect the literary clasics and we'll reconstruct a new world, a world of lulz. A world where I'll dictate.
(*)VOTE KATE 08. />
(*)A little from column A, a little from column B?
(*)A well timed joke about sexual incompetence is fine and dandy with me. (In fact, I insist upon it)
(*)Smut. Ghey. Yaytimes.
(*)Send me an IM, I'll be your friend.
(*)In the meantime, let me direct you to my WIP Torchwood musical; A Handful Of Jacks (Yeah, we're ashamed.)
Ayfa's PokéPet
Peaches the level 32 Vulpix!
The world can never have enough gay lawyers. Period.
This is ridiculous D: I haven't even played the game. Screw you guys for making me obsessed. Naru/Mitsu ftw.
MySpace Layouts MySpace Layouts