Artemis Poetry. profile picture

Artemis Poetry.

About Me

Little Introduction. I don't care what you think about me.
I couldn't care less if you think I'm a snob.
I don't care if you think my make up is a little extreme.
I couldn't care less if you don't like me because I'm not plastic and I don't shove tissues down my bra to get attention.
I like my boobs.
Stop being big headed and stop thinking that everything I write has to do with you.
I'm a really shit speller.
Thank you.
Links. Click here if you would like to know everything you need to about me.
Ask me questions here.
My Poetry. My poetry means a lot to me, a lot of it was written while I was at school, sitting the library by myself in the corner.
I know that sounds quite 'Emo' but it's true, I used to spend pretty much most of my time at school by myself.
Every poem i've ever written has a meaning to me, whether it's about me or someone I know or just pure random, it will always have a purpose to me.
I find it really nice when I get messages saying how some of you can relate to my words, it feels so nice to know that people have gone through some of the same things I have in the past.
My Home. Well, growing up in Lowestoft has taught me a lot of things.
For example; You can't leave your home without someone insulting you or mocking you from afar.
You also can't go to school and lead a normal life.
When I look around myself whilst i'm in a big crowd, I just see people screaming for attention.
I see people longing to be loved and noticed.
I've lived in Lowestoft for seventeen years.
I've also hated it for seventeen years.
Nothing good ever comes from here.
If you try and make it big here you just get shot down.
Look at bands like 'The Darkness' for example.
Ok, they have their fair amount of fans, but back here in Lowestoft, many people slag them off and utter such unholy words about them.
Most bands that come from here are looked down upon, but it isn't just for their music, ohh no, it's for where they are from.
The Darkness have a lot of great tunes to be honest, but when you think about it, they come from Lowestoft.
Doesn't really say much does it?
Lowestoft is just full of pathetic people, people who take one look at you and class you into some random category like 'goth' or 'emo' or 'yob' and what have you.
I'm not saying we shouldn't have labels, as we need them in life otherwise we wouldn't have much.
But what I am saying is, Lowestoft is very judgemental, everyone here looks down upon you and treats you like dirt.
I blame American TV shows really for all this category shit.
Only a few amount of people manage to get out of this awful place and start a fresh somewhere new.
I'm going to be one of them people.
I will get out of here and lead a better life than 77% of the pathetic people here.
I just have to find some money first.
My Point Of View On Things. Love; as I’ve said before, I don’t believe there is actually a full meaning to the word ‘love’, I think everyone has their own views on ‘love’ and what it actually is.
I don’t believe you actually know what ‘love’ is until you meet them two eyes that look you right in the soul and shock you.
I've edited this paragraph so many times now, I just broke up with my fiance' and to be honest, it's killed me, I know what love to me feels like, but for others, how would I know?
Some people don't find true love till they think it's too late and then they get scared to say anything to the person they love, but I say;
So what if you’ve dated twenty odd people and then realize that the first person you dated was your ‘perfect’ person?
So what if you’ve made a shit load of mistakes?
I think as long as you’ve changed, you’re your old self and you are ready to make an effort into a relationship, then it’s not too late.
But what is a ‘perfect’ partner?
Everyone has a vision of what they want their other half to be like.
Even I do.
But what chance do we have in this life of finding that person?
We could live our whole life on hoping and wishing and praying for that perfect person to just come along.
But what happens if you hold on so much that you block away everyone else from your mind?
You would die a lonely person.
Nobody wants that.
So many people say they have found their ‘perfect’ person, but I don’t believe that.
I believe that they tell themselves that they have just so that they can be happy and not have any problems.
Or they have transformed someone into what they think their ‘perfect’ person is.
I think whoever tries to change someone though is wrong in the head.
If you don’t like the way someone is, leave them alone.
Don’t just be with them for the sake of it.
They were born how they were and they grew up how they wanted.
Leave them alone.
With my first boyfriend, I made the mistake of screwing things up; well actually we took it in turns.
But that’s what love does to you sometimes.
War; bores the shit out of me.
I wouldn’t say it was pointless as sometimes it helps, I’m not saying war is a good thing, far from it, but if someone has kidnapped someone from your country or someone has bombed your city, you are in your rights to fight back.
You wouldn’t just stand there and take it would you?
War does get taken way to far most of the time though; I don’t have much to really say about war as I don’t sit there in front of the TV watching the news 24/7 or read the newspaper, but what I do know is that all this Iraq stuff is kind of shit to be honest.
I also find it pointless that the English hate the French and that the French hate the English.
I don’t see why everyone just can’t get along.
Why all the racism?
What are you getting out of insulting a black person or a person from a different culture?
Everyone is allowed to be different.
Everyone in fact is different.
We are not clones and we are not all born from the same person.
Whether you like it or not we all live on Earth and there is nothing you can do about it.
Revenge; I believe revenge is a necessity in life, I’ve always believed that you should hurt someone back as much as they have hurt you.
If they have screwed up your life, why not get them back?
If they have screwed it up so much, you have nothing left to live for so you have nothing left to lose, why not go for it?
I should have added revenge under ‘war’ somewhere, but I felt like singling it out as I’m proof that revenge can get taken too far.
I’ve screwed up mainly once with revenge.
I took it too far.
I don’t know if I regret it as much as I would like to, I think that’s because I did it because I had to.
Ever had that feeling where you know something is so fucking wrong, but you just have to do it?
Yeah, I have.
Usually when I get revenge on someone it’s because they have hurt me or upset me first.
I won’t just do it for fun, no that’s mean.
The person who I should really regret getting revenge on knows deep down how sorry I am or was (as to be honest I don’t care anymore) and they know I wouldn’t have done what I did without a reason and they knew it was coming, I even first told them when I first met them that I got revenge on people who hurt me.
They should have thought about the consequences before they lied to me and hurt me as much as they did.
Apparently I ruined their life.
But I say it’s only ruined if they let it be.
It takes years to trust someone.
And it takes a second to break the trust bond.
I advice people who want to take revenge on someone they actually really care about not to do it.
You will regret it later.
You will hurt them.
You will get a kick out of it for a day but afterwards you will hate yourself for it and screw up your own mind in trying to set things straight.
Make sure you truly hate them before doing anything.

Friendships; I love my friends, who doesn’t?
My friends mean the world to me; we connect and share the same interests.
I don't have a best friend at the moment, I did have one but I ditched her as she turned out to be a right cunt.
I've started speaking to one of my old best friends recently, she told me she was sorry about the past and she knows I was right about everything and she made the mistake in ditching me, so hopefully we will be seeing each other again soon.
To me friends are like eating cookies, you know when you have enough of them.
I think to be friends with someone you don’t necessary have to have everything in the world in common with them, but you need to at least like them.
I’ve seen people around town slagging off their so called ‘friends’ I hate people like that.
People who are two faced and backstab don’t deserve their life.
Ok, I’m being slightly hypocritical now, I’m friends with about three people who I dislike a lot, but I’m only ‘friends’ with them to keep peace around me and so they don’t pester me.
But they know I don’t actually like them that much, so that’s ok.
What makes a perfect friendship?
Is it trust?
Is it that magic L word that doesn’t really have a meaning?
You see these MySpace bulletins about what a ‘real’ friendship is all about, you see like 16 ways to prove it is the real thing, so what? So if you haven’t told your friends your biggest, deepest, darkest secret then they aren’t your friend?
Poppy cock.
You know in your mind who your real friends are.
I’ve been bullied for ten years.
I’m quite sick of it to be honest.
But I let kids now a-days get on with it, who am I to tell them what to think?
I mean, yes I would like them to stop and I would like them to just back off but bulling happens every day, it’s just something you have to go through while in school.
I just think to myself ‘well... my life is better than yours, so while you’re spending more time mocking me for the clothes I wear and the way I look, I’m going to be famous with a shit load of money.’
What I find funny is this ‘anti bullying week.’
Why is it just one week?
Why not forever?
I find it so fucking hilarious when people who bully me or someone I know stop and be nice for just that one week.
What is up with that?
A bit hypocritical don’t you think?
Most people say calling someone a name isn’t bullying, it’s just taking the mick.
It’s the same bloody thing!
Calling someone a name still makes someone feel bad as does punching them in the nose.
What’s even funnier is that schools never do anything about these sick people who think it’s funny to go around and disrespect others.
Teachers say ‘oh write it down and I’ll deal with it later’ bullshit.
They never bother and even when they do all they say is ‘oh don’t do it again’ it’s fucking stupid.
Hundreds of kids die a year because of name calling and stupid people passing judgment on them.
I bet the people who’ve harassed these poor kids who have died feel fucking horrible now and regret every word they ever said to them, and teachers wish that they had paid more attention.
If I worked at a school and had a problem with a bully I would have them excluded instantly, I wouldn’t put up with it.
Bullying has to be stopped.
And one day it will be.
But you have to help to end it.
We all have to join forces and zap it into the past.
Will you help?
A lot of people say the word 'hate' is a very strong word.
I actually disagree.
I used it a lot of the time and mean it.
If I disliked someone I hate them, I'm not going to ever like them, so why shouldn't I say I hate them?
Or if I say I dislike blood, why shouldn't I say I hate it if I know I'm never going to like it?
If you don't care about something and it can come and go as you please and you couldn't really give a toss, that's more dislikement to you than hate.
A lot of people say 'how can you hate something you need?' like blood again for example, I find it easy to answer; Just because I need it, that doesn't mean to say I have to like it.
You don't have to love or like everything you need in life.
You don't have to like your parents, house, wage or the oxygen you breathe just because you need it.
Who the hell made that law up?
Nobody. That's who.
It isn't against the law to hate something.
So if you do hate anything, let it or them know.
It's your life.
Your own world.
You rule it.
Nobody else.
Do what you want.
I think it's safe to say everyone bullshits about other people, everyone lies once in their lifetime and everyone is stubborn.
What some people in this world don't realize is that everyone is the same.
We all have the same bones, livers, lungs, hearts etc.
Never try to make out that you're more special than anyone else, because you're not.
You will never know if you have better friends than everyone else, as you won't ever be friends with everyone in the world.
You will never have a better music or fashion sense than anyone either.
You will never love someone more than someone else, as you don't know how someone actually feels about anyone.
I'm a vegetarian because i'm doing it for the diet side, I don't think eating meat is wrong though.
A lot of kids on here have all suddenly turned vegetarian, I have no idea why, considering the fact I bet they all have a quick munch of chicken out of the fridge on Sunday evenings.
It's mean the way they kill animals and stuff, but the average person steps on about 1000 ants a day, do you care about them?
No you don't.
You don't even notice.
I'm not saying you should stop and start eating meat again, i'm just saying that if you're going to do it, do it properly.
I don't think abortions are wrong either.
If you know that you're going to suck as a mother when you accidentally get pregnant, then get rid of it.
Because putting it in care will not do it any good.
What's the point in keeping something you don't want?
You're not killing anything, it's not been bloody born yet!
There are a lot of things about MySpace that I hate, like;
1; I hate how most people don't return anything.
2; I hate how people are very stuck up on their profiles.
3; I hate people who have shit loads of pictures on there profiles so that it takes years to load and ends up crashing my computer.
4; I hate people who think they are too pretty to talk to 'lower' class people or return picture comments etc.
5; I hate people who say 'pc4pc' and never actually do it, they are so gay.
6; I hate the sluts who post pictures of themselves in their underwear, nobody wants to see you naked, so cover yourself up.
7; I hate people who put their mobile number up on their profile and then complain in bulletins about having some weirdo prank them all the time.
8; I hate profile rules, rules are for school, not the internet.
9; I hate people who have a limit with w4w, my gosh how stuck up.
10; I hate people who make trains where they say only 5% of the people that apply make it on, what's the point in having one then?
11; I hate people who make trains about your looks and you only get on if you're pretty, it makes people feel bad about themselves and that's why a lot of kids feel depressed.
More to be added.
Thank Yous. I'd just like to take the time to thank a few people;
Reece: My fiance', my rock, you're always there for me, and you will always help me with my writing and tell me my flaws and tell me my strong points, I thank you for that.
My Ex's: I'd like to thank you three, purely for the fact if it wasn't for the horror you lot put me through, I wouldn't have half the poems written that I have today.
My Mum: Mummy, you're always there, you know what's good for me and what's bad, we always talk to each other and I know you're going to be there for me forever.
The People Who Read And Listen To My Poems: Thanks, I really love the fact you like my poetry and you take a few moments of your time to listen to me and to read my writing, it really does mean a lot, I will always return your messages and comments, because I believe if it wasn't for you lot and some of the really lovely things you say, I wouldn't have the nerve to post up my poetry, so thank you and bless you all.

My Interests


Member Since: 05/10/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Just myself.

If you'd like to get in contact with me, feel free to add my MSN:
[email protected]
You can email me too at that address.
Influences: My inspiration comes from my loved ones, old love afairs and just people and things and everday things around me.

Please add the banner to your page!

Sounds Like: My voice is my own.
Opened up to the world on: 26th November 06.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

New Poem; Vampire Cold.

You used to look at me with so fear in your eyes,It was blinding,You moved away when I tried getting closer to you,Now everything is out in the open,You still just can't trust me.You're so scared to t...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 19:53:00 GMT

New Poem; Perfect.

All this frustration is making us stronger,It's good to know a few truths,You admitted to seeing her,I know what went on,I know what was said,It was good that you were honest,Concidering we're going a...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 19:35:00 GMT

New Poem; 6 Month Slumber.

6 Months is a long time to be leaving the one you love,6 Months is a long time to go without being held by Mr. Right,6 Months is 243 days,6 Months is 5832 hours,How am I supposed to deal with that?Who...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 19:26:00 GMT

Really Big News!

I got news today that i'm writing poetry for a new book coming out.It's by the author Bee Rowse.I get acknolegements and I get paid and stuff.I'm really excited.It's going to be out really soon =]My r...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:03:00 GMT

New Poem; Love Letters.

I think love letters are quite pointless really,Because in the end you end up worrying about what that person is thinking when they read your most inner thoughts,You end up being too scared to open th...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 11:13:00 GMT

New Poem; Fuck Up.

I think it's got to the point of being out of control,It's more of a craving and a must have, Than just a simple feeling,I've got to feel your hands on me,To be able to just breathe,I've got to have y...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 02:44:00 GMT


FAQ.[You can still send in questions to me in this blog.]Where Do You Get The Inspiration For Your Poems From?I get them from everyone and everything around me, a lot of my poems are based on lost lov...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 17:33:00 GMT

New Poem; Good Times.

So todays the day,The awfull day,We have to say goodbye,The whole time i've known you,We've had good times,Big smiles,Happy laughs.I remember when I was about five I always used to feed your fish,The ...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 08:05:00 GMT

New Poem; Selfless, Emptiness, Helpless.

I'd first like to say if you a judgemental person, or someone who doesn't see or agree with other peoples opinions, then please don't bother reading this as it may offend you.If you're not judgemental...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 15:33:00 GMT

New Poem; Artemis.

Everyone's jelious of her flawless skin,Everyone loves how she looks like a doll,She has bright pink cheeks and long black hair,Her lip is peirced on the left hand side,She doesn't do drugs,But she lo...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 14:16:00 GMT