..CURRENT NEW RELEASE - CYBERDELICA Vol 2 - Compiled by System NipelSYSTEM NIPEL are Rubi Yacobov & Anton Lunev both 23, living & producing in their home town Beer Sheva, located in the Southern parts of Israel. Both Rubi & Anton are of Russian origin and have imigrated to Israel during the 90's. The two met in high school, became good friends & found a lot of common ground - love & talent for music among other artistic walks of life... The team begun producing music in 1999 using the Dos based program Impulse Tracker, producing mainly club trance. Gradually they begun producing using REASON, experimenting in mind blowing full on psychedelic sound, loaded with emotion & might. These days the produce using Cubase SX2 loaded with VSTi plugins, using a lot of the REASON3 elements as well. SYSTEM NIPEL - NAME DEFINITION A lot of people are not familiar with the actual meaning of this name, or have misconceptions about it, now is the time to clear it all up. :-) The term System Nipel actually comes from the Russian Encyclopedia!!!. Picture a wheel, a tire, the air the goes into it, fills it up & stays inside with the help of the "NIPEL SYSTEM". Lets take all this knowledge and view it with musical definitions: "We hope that our special music will make a change and effect people, it will go into ones head & will never come out!!! SYSTEM NIPEL debut album - DEEP INTO MATTER CD has just hit the street, with it a lot of praises from all over the world. This is a magical CD succesfuly fussing passionate melodic moments without compremizing their psychedelic power & intelect.