chEryL profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

iM a... muSic ChRonicLeR, cHiLL-oUt chEerLeadER anD sTyLisH jEtsEtTer.. i LikE miXinG stUdiEs wiD fuN and eLaN.. stUdiEs hArd.. pArtieS haRdeR.. hiGh oN AdRenaLinE.. iM dRivEn nd FoCusEd. i cAn tAkE oN any cHaLLenGe aNd huRdLe any ObsTacLe.. i OcCasiOnaLLy rELish stAnDinG oUt -- whEthEr its gEttinG a CompLimeNt oN my jEanS oR VoLuntEerinG fOr a WorK pRojEct that MakEs me A sOciaL hUb -- bUt nEveR tO thE poinT whEre iT maKes my AudiEncE gAg.. bOtTom Line: "i dOnt RequiRe a biG sPotLighT on myseLf aT aLL tiMes tO cOnvinCe mYseLf oF my ReaL VaLue".i dOnt fReaK ouT whEn sOmeOne eLse iS oBviOusLy thE maiN aTtrActioN.. nWei.. PeopLe wHo knOw mE weLL wOuLd pRobaBLy agReE thaT a LargE cHuncK oF my iSsuEs on bEauty rEsted on My wEigHt.. i usEd to ThinK thAt iF i OnLy eXerciSed my LifE awAy, thinNeSs wOuLd cOme aNd my LifE wOuLd fiNaLLy bE peRfecT.. hEheHe.. nWei.. iM suCh An eAsy pErsOn to PLeasE bCoZ iM sO eNthusiAstiC abOut LiFE... nO pRetEntiOns-----iM a ReaL pErSoN...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

mAh onE tRuE LovE... haha..