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About Me

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
I'm a happy-go-lucky 26 year old. I have a degree and I work with children with special educational needs full time. I'm usually a happy person, but I have my off days like everyone else! I'd like to see more of the world and do something exciting with my life (but then so does everyone)! I'm music mad and can't go a day without hearing a few favourite tunes. I love going to gigs, but don't get to go to many, partly cos of my ear troubles and mostly because no-one decent comes to do gigs in Ipswich very often!!! I've had Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and Hyperacusis (over sensitive hearing) for over four years now (due to going to very loud gigs), but I no longer call myself a 'sufferer' of these conditions. I like to talk to other people about Tinnitus (and Hyperacusis) and share my experiences with them and help them if I can. And I also like to tell people to protect their ears!!!! I like reading, but hardly get the time to read. I collect turquoise things (jewellery, ornaments, clothes, shoes, basically anything).

My Interests

Random Likes and Interests: Turquoise, people who are kind and thoughtful, gigs, shoes, Leg Warmers(!) my wellington boots with purple roses, stars (in the sky, on things -not horoscopes), theatre, koala bears, Bagpuss, cats, daydreaming, Blythe dolls, kids tv, holidays, Greenbelt Festival, live comedy, Italian food and eating out in general, reading, digital photography, cinema, bags, eBay (a blessing and a curse), shopping, nail polish, when I cook something and it actually is edible!Anything that relieves my Tinnitus and Hyperacusis. Matalan, Ikea and New Look(three of my most favourite shops in the world), listening to XFM and Q Radio.

I'd like to meet:

Nice, genuine people who are straightforward and honest.I absolutely adore this video 'Be Gentle With Me' by The Boy Least Likely To, the puppets are so cute, have a look!


The Polyphonic Spree, Guillemots, The Sleepy Jackson, Duke Special, Delays, Every Move A Picture, TV On The Radio, Adem, Tom Vek, Kooks, Semifinalists, Death Cab For Cutie, My Morning Jacket, Arcade Fire, Editors, Emiliana Torrini, Sufjan Stevens, The Boy Least Likely To, Joseph Arthur, Hal, Mercury Rev, Maximo Park, Magnet, Bjork, Badly Drawn Boy, Keane, Elbow, Interpol, Doves, The Mars Volta, Bloc Party, Damien Rice, Morcheeba, Unbelievable Truth, Snow Patrol, The Futureheads, Portishead/Beth Gibbons, Massive Attack, Feeder, Ash, Muse, Idlewild, Embrace, Razorlight, The Killers, Remy Zero, The Rakes, The Cribs, Lovers Electric, Iain Archer, Tree63, The Benjamin Gate, Earthsuit, Mute Math, Five O' Clock People, Luna Halo, Bebo Norman, 80s stuff ala Kate Bush and far too many others to mention! Mr Fogg, White Rose Movement, Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly.


As Good As It Gets, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, most Hitchcock films especially Rear Window and Vertigo, The Royal Tenenbaums, Awakenings, Stand By Me, About A Boy, Lost In Translation, Amelie, Girl Interrupted, The Sixth Sense, The Village, Leon, Romeo and Juliet, The Wedding Singer, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Sideways, Pride And Prejudice, Thumbsucker, Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Dancer In The Dark, Millions, Fallen, Zoolander, Starsky and Hutch, Anchorman.


EastEnders, Neighbours, Absolutely Fabulous, Father Ted, Phoenix Nights, The Office, Alan Partridge, Trigger Happy TV, Look Around You, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, Still Game, Desperate Housewives, Lost, Bleak House, Sea Of Souls, Don't Watch That Watch This, Child Of Our Time, Harry Hill's TV Burp, The IT Crowd, Maid Marian and Her Merry Men, Round The Twist (Series 1), Deal Or No Deal, Tribe and Blizzard, Inspector Lynley Mysteries, Jane Eyre (the new BBC adaptation), Mock The Week, Room 101, That Mitchell and Webb Look.


The Sound Of Laughter by Peter Kay, The Island by Victoria Hislop, Seven Lies by James Lasdun, So Many Ways to Begin by Jon McGregor, The Dave Walker Guide to the Church by Dave Walker, Never Push When It Says Pull by Guy Browning, Never Hit a Jellyfish With a Spade by Guy Browning, Great Lies To Tell Small Kids by Andy Riley, The Timewaster Letters by Robin Cooper, Return of the Timewaster Letters also by Robin Cooper, The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, The Woman In Black by Susan Hill, When Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things by Jon McGregor, I'm Not Scared by Niccolo Ammaniti, American Purgatorio by John Haskell, The Contortionist's Handbook by Craig Clevenger, God Whispers by Margaret Fineberg, The Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy, Every Ruddy Word by Alan Partridge, This Is Blythe and Blythe Style both by Gina Garan.


Some favourite videos of mine, because I don't really have any heroes! This video is one of my favourite bits from the spoof 80's medical drama/comedy show Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, so good!Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

Add to My Profile | More VideosWe're Here by Guillemots. Brilliant video:Duke Special live on Later with Jools Holland, singing Portrait.

My Blog

Travis Live at the Reading Hexagon 27/05/07

As a birthday surprise, Duncan bought us tickets to see Travis live at the Reading Hexagon Theatre. I hadn't ever seen them before, so I was really excited! We had front row balcony seats, to th...
Posted by Lisa on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 08:52:00 PST

Duke Special Live at Norwich Arts Centre 16/02/07

The last time I saw Duke Special live was back in August 2005 at the Greenbelt Festival, so I was excited at the prospect of a gig a bit closer to home. I'd never been to Norwich Arts Centre...
Posted by Lisa on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 09:20:00 PST

Weekend in London 4th-5th November 06

Me and my friend Zoe had been invited up to London for the weekend to stay with Nick, a friend of Zoe's, who lives in Hammersmith. We had a good train journey up to London and then a 30 minute tube jo...
Posted by Lisa on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 01:29:00 PST

The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain Live at Snape Maltings, 29/09/06

The Ukulele Orchestra played at the Greenbelt Festival this August, but I managed to miss their whole set because I was at my tent. What I could hear of it sounded like fun, but I didn't have the ener...
Posted by Lisa on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 01:37:00 PST