People. I like to meet people. Animals tend to stink and I am not really a reptile or alien person. But seriously? I want to meet someone who is genuine. People who are grounded in life. Do not play games with my head. I am not into that. Someone who is family oriented but likes to have a good time. I want to meet someone who accepts me for whom I am. Do not try to change me into someone that I am not. I would never be happy being anyone but me. I would want someone that realizes I have a family to, and that compromise is always needed. So is communication. That is always a key part of any relationship - whether it is friendship, significant other or family. If you do not speak up - how will they ever know? I would love to find someone who cracks me up, laughing is good for the heart and soul! Someone who has goals in life and takes steps to see them through is always a bonus!