Having teamed up for the love of everyday noises, Pod and Leeky combined efforts to create the squeakz and bleeps you now hear! thus becoming...
'The Chemical Quornts'
‘Ello there! Alright? We are Leeky and Pod; two friends who met each other in the south west party scene in 1998. Pod was born in a tractor shed, he grew up to be a classically trained pianist and in 1989 he abandoned civilisation to go and live with the badgers and Jean Michelle Jarre’s keyboard. Leeky derives from the West Midlands as a result of a dodgy concrete mix. After being wooed by the ‘Raves in the Woods in Devon’ he fled to the Shire to live on a hill with a studio and a muck spreader. Years later they met at a young farmer’s disco at their local; the Tube in Tiverton. Amongst all the parties, madness and mayhem they began to produce music together. Thus becoming…The Chemical Quornts
Our passion for diverse electric music led us to start producing our own sound. We are inspired by every day noises, so we capture them and use them in our tunes. Here in the heart of Devon, we have so many ambient noises around us we always have inspiration to learn from them. We quite literally carve our own sounds from a natural source.
We use our music as an outlet to express our feelings and emotions; the satisfaction of seeing a smile on someone’s face whilst appreciating our work is truly rewarding. Music is a universal language that can reach out to anybody and everybody and we want to touch people with our music.
Having deep roots within the Random Audio Records crew enables us to collectively express ourselves fully whilst sharing our experiences and learning from each other. Sharing a passion for diversity within many different styles, we are able to generate some amazing ideas and fresh music.
We hope you enjoy our Rhythmical Amalgamations of Organic Samplisations!
Pod and Leeky
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