Love.. *snowboarding *EBAY *Lip Gloss *High shoes *Converse *College on a good day *Neck scarves *Christian Dior* Pink cheeks* Bronzed cheeks* My Chanel bag* Smokey eyes* Sparkly things* getting drunk, sometimes* Dogs* Hot guys,* People who have fun stories* sweets* Summer days* Brown hair: blue eyes* big jewellery* Little jewellery* hanging out with old friends* Hanging out with new friends* Getting ready to go out* Watching people sleep* Loud music in the summer* Cocktails* Parma violets* Drawing days* Malibu* sardina* snobby people, they both amuse me and bring the comfort to oppinions of a higher acquired maintinance* being given a flower or flowers! * My ipod* smiles* people who acquire self confidence* boys* Kissing* Cuddles* French panties* Starbucks*
some one to prove my theory that romance is dead, wrong!
2 many Dj’s, !FORWARD RUSSIA!, ac/dc, ARCTIC MONKEYS, Air, AIR TRAFFIC, arcade fire, BABYSHAMBLES, Ben folds five, BLACKWIRE, Block Party, THE BLACK KEYS, Blood brothers, BE YOUR OWN PET, the beta band, BELLE & SEBASTIAN, The concretes, CLAP YOUR HANDS AND SAY YEAH, the clash, THE CHAP, circa survive, CHALETS, cazals, CRIBS, dirty pretty things, THE DOORS, de la soul, DAFT PUNK, Elle milano, EDITORS, the futureheads, FOO FIGHTERS, the faint, GLASS JAW, Gossip, GET CAPE WEAR CAPE FLY, the go, GOODSHOES, gang of four, HOT CHIP, hot hot heat, IVORIES, Jeff Buckley, JAM, jimi Hendrix, KOOKS, the kills, KINGS OF LEON, the libertines, LONG BLONDES, le tigre, LED ZEPPLIN, lcd sound system, MYSTERY JETS, moloko, MIA, maximo park, MUSE, noisettes, PEACHES, primal scream, PULP, prince, QOSTA, the rodger sisters, REGINA SPEKTOR, radiohead, THE RAPTURE, the rakes, THE STOOGES, stones, STROKES, super furry animals, THE SPECIALS, smiths, TAPES ‘N’ TAPES, tom vek, TEAM, test icicles, TILLY AND THE WALL, tribe called quest, VELVET UNDERGROUND, von bodies, WHITE STRIPES, we are scientists, WEEZER yeah yeah yeah’s...etc etc
American psycho, alfie, airplane, the anchorman, brief encounter, dinner at eight, dead mans shoes, don’t look now, Donny brasco, Edward scissor hands, the entertainer, the graduate, the godfather, Goodfellas, goodbye Lenin, the invisible man, it’s a wonderful life, jaws, the killer, lost in translation, man hunter, napoleon dynamite, odd couple, Rushmore , singing in the rain, Shaun of the dead, scar face, true romance, Wayne’s world ....etc etc
i relish reading the dictionary, and unmasking new interesting words. Along side many other books of course!
i have none. i look up to those who inspire me and aim to achieve what they have