*Miss EscaMillion* profile picture

*Miss EscaMillion*


About Me

well lets see i went to Fresno State for a few years, Majoring in Criminology-Corrections, and im takin a nice lil break to tryin and start my career, i just finished up at the academy and going to start work w/ the CDCR! sooo lets see how things work out. I enjoy a lot of things, like; the outdoors, camping---spending the longest night of my life in a snowcave with JOE Daddy, frezzing my butt off, but DAMN I'm up to do it again! i love the beach-and just cuz im from CALI doesnt mean i know how to SURF and i dont live next to a movie star!! I love getting out of Cent*Cal every now and then! Or just hangout with my family here, i ♥ my nieces catalina and cerena they are my angels and of course my "kids" Alex and Mike-they arn't really my kids but damn near haha...I ♥ ROADTRIPs!! but since im starting work i dont quite know when the next one will take place...& i just gotta say to my BESTEST BUDDIES EVER i ♥you guys ......even tho. i guess im a B*tch sometimes-u know i love ya'll!!!! And my old Crew...well things change and we cant be the same forever so i wish all u guys the best of luck with ur kids...careers...relationships...families...education...and everything else! to DA KR3W-well we got kings games to be played, togas to be worn, random nights to come more memebers to induct :P more dinners, random squwal valley trips and im sure a lot more good stuff!!!all i gotta say to ya'll is "I'VE NEVER.......uhh yea i have!" haha

My Interests

"People ask me if I could fly, I said, "yeah.... for a little while!""

my board that i will soon be fallin off! haha

a girls 1st love SHOPPING! and Sports love 'em! my family cuz w/o them, u have nothing! i dig a lot of things as long as it doesnt kill me, or atleast i dont think it will kill me, i'll try it!

i love my FSU football
pssh any football for that matter! and berr is always good w/ it! or w/o haha
we all need a lil drink...
call me krazy but i love the rain!

I'd like to meet:

Michael JORDAN (i would die a happy women), MIKE BIBBY-aww yeah i finally got to meet him and he was cool- along with the rest of the Sac.kings and Phx. Suns! when ur ball/water gurl, everyone luvz ya!! Dave Mirra, Derek Jeter, Magic Johnson-so he can sign my rookie card....hmmm oh and from this myspace place...cool people are always welcome, and i would say drama-free but honestly who has a drama-free life?? NO ONE! so people with a little drama, just as long as i dont get pulled in to there CHIT! “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”
Michael Jordan

"I've made some, I've missed some. That's not to say I wasn't nervous. That's always goin to be there. but FEAR? NEVER."

Fam & Freaks


Mizz Escamillionaire


my Sista frm anotha MR.

~Cousin Carolyn~


Brett David

my Beezie Izzy




Da 'Bove *DK*


Mizz G Thang *DK*


Clarissa aka BIZOCH



Lovely Monica

Sexy Momma

roberto *TINA*





speedracer BALLIN



Cuzn JR




Cuzin Monique


save the BEST 4 LAST


Enough said bout the beaner side of me!
from old school jams to the country ish they listen to @ reno's bar! and of course the good ol vicente fernandez...and Los Inquitos! haha


My Ama*Ama! gotta luv this grazy lady!!
heros...well who ever is willin to put their life on the line for another person is a hero in my book! much luv and and respect to our troops overseas doing their thing to try and get the peace goin! god bless

My Blog


DUUUUUUUUUUUDE the first time i heard this song was like 2 months ago when i was on my way home from work...at around 330am and i was thinkin in my head u know...this rock and rap collaberation is u k...
Posted by *Miss EscaMillion* on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 08:30:00 PST

the big 2-2

ok so my bday was on the 17th....and i turned ohhh yea 22! of course we had the pre day celebration in sac-town did a lil partying, played some paintball, then hit the river and all and all had a...
Posted by *Miss EscaMillion* on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 10:52:00 PST


You Know You're From CENTRAL VALLEY When... **WITH MY COMMENTS You have to explain to friends from out of town what animal a "Tri-tip" comes from. **COME ON THATS LIKE THE MOST SOLD SANDWICH AT SCHOO...
Posted by *Miss EscaMillion* on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 01:14:00 PST

my boy...we will miss ya

NOOOOOOOO fuckn way.........i just found out like 40 mins ago that a friend of mine passed....i cant believe it....i dont know, he was a friend not one of my best friends but he was MY FRIEND the...
Posted by *Miss EscaMillion* on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 07:36:00 PST

an eventful evening in the town of kerman

Sat day was quite an intresting and eventful day/night....to say the least!LOL Before party number 1 LUAI anyone?!  SALUE to tha FAMILIA! HEY WHERE IS MY BUCKET O'BEERS?!??! well here is ...
Posted by *Miss EscaMillion* on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 04:13:00 PST

a letter to my dear friend

Dear Alcohol... First & foremost, let me tell you that I'm a huge fan of yours. My friend, you always seem to be there when needed. The perfect post-work cocktail, a beer at the game, and you're e...
Posted by *Miss EscaMillion* on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 07:03:00 PST


Each player of this game starts with the "6 weird things/habits about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird habits/things, as well as state this rule clearly. I...
Posted by *Miss EscaMillion* on Wed, 17 May 2006 09:31:00 PST

ohh the 90's

man being a 90's kid was awesome, what can i say...i was born in '84 but dont really remember much about the 80's except for the funky ass clothes and hair dos that got passed down to the 90's but wit...
Posted by *Miss EscaMillion* on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 05:26:00 PST

51 things WE gotta KNOW!?

This is what they say: 51 TRUE Things women need to know about men... 1. We don't care if our shoes don't match our belt. So don't bother telling us 2. If you wear too much Tiffany's jewelry, we autom...
Posted by *Miss EscaMillion* on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 10:58:00 PST

luv/hate the snow

i do like the snow i just dont like living places where it snows cuz then u have to scrap off ur windshield all the damn time, u have to shovel snow from the sidewalk, and then the steps to ur house g...
Posted by *Miss EscaMillion* on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 02:38:00 PST