I like to watch movies, my favorites are X-Men and Harry Potter. I love to read the Harry Potter books also. The most disgusting movie I have seen lately was Hostel. I can handle the gory movies and all, I am actually a fan, but that movie was just to much. I really loved all the SAW movies too. The third was the best. I can't wait until this summer when the new Harry Potter comes out, of course I already know what happens. I like to take walks but I get so exhausted now that I am about 15 lbs. heavier than normal. This baby is kicking my butt. He really drains my body. I am tired all the time. It's probably because my 20 month old is a wired little thing. I like to swim and to play with my daughter. She is so funny. The other day she was playing with her Elmo and kept telling it to go night-night and ssshing it. When it would talk she would yell NO! night-night! Not to mention that everytime she drops something all we here is "OH SHIT!" Of course I like big rigs... my man does drive one. We like to watch Trick My Truck. We also like playing Poker. I am actually pretty damn good. I beat his ass just the other day! LOL, sorry honey, I love you!!!
Right now I'd have to say that I am really into Hinder. Of course I love all the oldies. I also love 80's music, I usually have to listen to that by myself though because no one else can really stand it. I pretty much listen to everything. I love to go out dancing...when I'm not pregnant. I can't wait to get out of the house and have some fun, but I still have a few months before that happens!
Like I already said, X-Men, Harry Potter, Saw, The Cronicles of Narnia, and pretty much everything else.
Harry Potter Series & Stephen King are my favorites. Mostly anything that has a little magic or mystery.
My imaginery hero's... Harry Potter and Wolverine. They both can really save the day. Another would be Orlando Bloom... I wish he would come save me from some pirates. I would thank him kindly.. =)