Like me!
My name is Jacqueline!
but if u know me, you know that I hate this name! So everyone calls me Jacqui or Jucky (FUCK YOU!
I like loud music !! Rock, punk & metal is the best music in the world!!! without music?!..No way..
i love my friends! they mean everything to me! when you hurt them careful..
i will kill you!
actually im a normal girl!
so love or hate me!
I don’t give a shit!!
mein Schatz! Ich liebe dich über alles!!!!
mein Untertan Tina! knutschii
meine Muschi!! knutschii
der Humoos!
der Lars!
mein liebstes Haarmodel Leszek!
mein Ninschel
mein bekloppter Phlippo!
mein Guken-Schmidt....weitere folgen....