TRAMIX is a totally unique concept in entertainment, created by a collective in Prague in 2002. A party running through the streets of one of Europe's most beautiful cities in a Tram carriage, zooming across Prague, finally arriving at a determined destination for the mother of all after-parties. Sounds like fun? That's because it is!
Next TRAMix party?
Saturday 25th October 2008
Start 9PM, Namesti Miru
On board
The tram itself is decked out with lighting, decoration, and a powerful sound system, a DJ plays high energy tunes and the party moves around the city through the night, creating a totally unique experience and one that's not easily forgotten... now a regular fixture in Prague's social calendar, it offers something totally new in urban entertainment.
Poppie for TRAMix
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Bar Services
Two bars operate inside the tram carriages, serving a selection of drinks to all customers througout the trip, chilled and served in plastic cups.
Fresh-air breaks
Every 30 minutes TRAMIX is making a break in one of selected end stops.
Sponsorship & Partners: Advertising Oportunities
TRAMIX works closely with sponsors and suppliers such as Red Bull and a whole host of drinks, technical equipment and other providers.
TRAMIX is a good example of what can be done with a bit of imagination and creativity... send us a message if you wish to learn more about the next Prague's TRAMIX party, or maybe orgnize a TRAMIX event in your own town? Official website