Originally started in the beginning of 2005 as an extremely technical Pirate Death Metal band until we realised we weren't that good. After this discovery we then opted for a more simplistic death/thrash approach under the moniker of SKULLBUGGERY. We played our first show at a party without a drummer or any real idea of what was going on (or whose house we were in) but nonetheless we rocked the house till the police were called. Did you know!? the first time we had actually jammed together we played the above show!
At the party we met a strange man who was big in beard and small in identity. From then on he would be known as Mac (as we didn't know his real name). It was revealed that he played drums and so we enlisted him to be our drummer.
Tension in the band grew to new heights when it was discovered that we actually all hated one another. This led to the first parting of ways: Mac became a terrorist after subscribing to the Terrorist Monthly, Firstmate Fuckhead evolved into a lumberjack named Bum Smeg, and yours truly remained a pirate but changed from Captain SadoFuck to Rectum Beast due to the crack down on Video and Music Piracy.
Around the beginning of 2006, SKULLBUGGERY reformed as SKULLBUGGERY 2.0, this time opting for an even more simplistic approach and playing silly goregrind and, seeing as only one third of the band was involved in piracy, we changed the name to THE PELVIC SLURP.
Soon after we realised we still hated each other and so Mac blew himself up in a suicide bombing (though it is rumoured he plays in another band now) and so the remaining and founding members of the original band enlisted the awesome drumming of Bludgeoning Beats To A Rhyme.
- Rectum Beast, 30/10/06.
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