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I am here for Friends

About Me

The world is stabilised one person at a time.
43 more random things you probably don't need to know
Last year I: gained two family members and lost one
Last weekend I: went to Manchester with Joe
Yesterday I: worked non-stop
Today I: visited my mother in hospital
Tomorrow I: will see my osteopath
Next weekend I: will watch Meg’s dance show
Next year I: will have a good time
Never in my life have I: had enough time to sleep as much as I need or read as much as I want
The people who can drive me nuts: are few and far between
When I'm nervous: I remind myself I’m not scared of anything except spiders
When I’m angry: it’s bad – I don’t do angry often
The last time I cried was: in A&E on Christmas Day when I couldn’t sit up any longer
This Christmas: will be better than last
My birthday is: generally an excuse for fun
When I look up I see: Queen of the Fairies and a rocket-launcher
When I look left I see: Carys
When I look right I see: tulips, cacti, bamboo and a tree outside
You know I like you when: I make you laugh (intentionally)
I don't know: why I need to know everything
I'd stop my wedding if: I was conscious
No one knows but: I enjoyed it :o)
I'd rather live: till I don’t want to
The most recent thing I've bought myself was: sushi
The most recent thing someone else bought for me was: Dom Perignon
The most recent thing I’ve learned about myself is: that once battered, my immune system is not great at recovery
I am allergic to: bananas - please join the queue to chortle as I die from anaphylactic shock
In high school I was: mostly invisible
The last book I read was: The Night Watch by Sarah Walters
The last movie I saw was: Music and Lyrics
The last band I saw was: Loose
One thing I’ve learned about life is: that it goes on whatever
My strangest talent is: sticking my tongue out a very very long way
I eat my cookies: dunked in chai
My ringtone is: Lily Allen’s Alfie
My last call was to: Tom
My last call was from: Gem
My last text was: from Carys
The stupidest thing I've ever done at a bar is: drink tequila rose
The stupidest thing I’ve ever done not at a bar is: a secret forever
My last holiday was: to New York
I like to drink: on Man Utd’s expense account :o)
I like to eat: interesting food that never walked
I used to think: I’d be grown up by now

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

You mean other than Captain Jack Harkness? Captain Jack Sparrow...and Sawyer :o)

My Blog

George Formby turns in his grave

Tom blew up his amp with his uke. He was in blasting it through a fuzzbox in a vain attempt to make the ukelele cool.
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 11:57:00 GMT

The Glorious 15th

We wore wellies and lady farmer hats, the real lady farmers wore their Sunday best and heirloom jewellery, the mud was Glastonburyesque, tiny children rode tiny ponies, giant dogs were enticed by...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 11:56:00 GMT

Am I Bruce Willis?

Yesterday I went to Techniquest with a selection of two generations of my offspring. Two separate interactive thingies concluded that I was dead - one said I had no discernable body heat an...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 16:36:00 GMT

Hearts and flowers

Ads: How's your little heart thing? Are they going to poke it with a stick? Em: I'm the youngest person they've done an angiogram onAds: That's not good...it's like being the first to test a plane. Em...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 10:00:00 GMT

Rodent Cluedo

I have just been trying to catch a vole with a sombrero in the living-room.
Posted by on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 05:42:00 GMT

Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone

Carys: Did Jordan behave? Teacher: Except for when he picked up a stick and waved it around until he was told to put it down. Carys: As long as he didn't set any cats on fire or graffiti any walls, I'...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 07:07:00 GMT

Loose played with the radio star

Raglan Music Festival - Loose perform Video Killed the Radio Star with its writer, Geoff Downes of Buggles, Yes and Asia fame.
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 16:08:00 GMT


Posted by on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 15:49:00 GMT

Spontaneous combustion

Tom ponders the purpose of the Safety Curtain in the theatre. "So why is there not a safety curtain between me and the gentleman in front of me, in case he suddenly ignites?" Sometimes I have no ...
Posted by on Wed, 23 May 2007 15:34:00 GMT

High School Musical

Morgan leaves school Videoed on a mobile - full marks to Matthew Gall for having the presence of mind to record such an awesome moment for posterity
Posted by on Thu, 17 May 2007 04:31:00 GMT